Chapter 5

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"Who was that?"
"My boyfriend his uh..taking this long distance thing hard"
I was screaming at the top of my lungs.
"another two shots" Alex nodded towards the bartender who smirked
"hey i really dont want anymore, and its uh getting late..."
"Come on Jennifer, its all on me. Please"
"Really Alex i sh-"
He grabbed hold of my arm and spun me around to face him
"Sit Jennifer."
I knew what he was doing, and i didnt like it so i was planning to leave with an excuse to go to the bathroom or something
"Thanks" i wrapped my hand around my shot as it was passed over to me and just stared at it
"So, any plans of visiting your home town?"
"Mm not right this minuet, my budget is low so until i have enough money. yeah i might" Thats when my mind changed to spencer and imagining what he would be doing right now. Gosh i needed him, but did he need me? ugh i dont know. I stood up and help me hand out to Alex
"Lets make up for tonight shall we?" He just smiled his smile and grabbed hold of my hand.

We danced for a while until i had enough, Alex was drunk and i really didnt want for him to make a move
"i just, gotta head to the bathroom..."
He smiled with his teeth this time and grabbed a seat at a table. I had one last look at the bar and went for the door.

Reid POV

"Derek why did you drag me here?" the music was giving me a headache
"For you to live a little, come on its a friday!!" Morgan dashed towards prentiss and said his hellos. I think something is on between them, mhm i dont know. i made my way over to a bar and ordered some vodka, why not?
"Hey!" i jumped at the sight of the blonde haired woman

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