Looking For You

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First i wanna say sorry for skipping ahead but i didn't really know what to wright between then so, sorry :/


Garcia POV

Back in my room, i grabbed hold of my glass and spun around my chair. I had dropped my glasses when i looked back up to see a small flashing red light on one of the few computer screens. I tried clicking it once or twice until i was allowed. JJ's old phone was in use, this is odd because she would only use her old phone when she needed us?
"I've gotta call Reid..."
I spun around and grabbed hold of the phone and clicked the buttons to Reid's phone.
"Whats up Garcia?"

Emily POV

"Wheres it coming from?"
I looked over to Spencer leaning against the bench writing something down.
"What is it?"
i mouthed but he shushed me, so i folded my arms and laid back onto the couch just waiting to be told.
"Yep, thanks Garcia. Were on our way""Get up, we have a hit on JJ's emergency phone"
With that, he opened the door and was out in seconds.


It had been a few weeks since those two people following me, and it's been a few weeks for me to figure out who these people were. As my master stormed in, he hadn't had any fun with me since early morning yesturday. So now he decided to have his fun.
I was tied back onto my chair that was giving with a thick rope, that was burning my wrists.
"Yea sir.."
I moved my head to the side as he slapped me a couple of times.
"Like that?"
"No..no, not at all!"
"What? What was that? Kayla what has gotten into you?"
He stepped back with his eyes wide with fury.
"That is not my name"
"Sure it isn't"
I laughed to myself as he ran forward, while he came my way, i had made my hands loose with the grip of the rope. He placed his hands on my shoulders and tried to push me down. But i head butted him back which not only effected him, but me also. I was dizzy, but i made my way slowly to a tray far into the corner of the room with my belongings. Shakily, i got hold of my phone and turned it on.
"Just in...c-"
But i was taken back and fought more with this man i was once intimate with.

Together Again {A Jeid Fanfic}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang