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The Alpha's Huntress
© 2015 Luna Night
Prologue & Copyright

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means- except in brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews- without written permission of its publisher.

The character and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

Author's Note:

Original Title: The Alpha King and the Devil Hunter

This book was actually published in early 2014. About two years ago, almost. There will be some odd, old ANs, and this was my first book ever written. So I took it down for a long while, and people asked it to come back so, here it is, edited. If you're one of the old readers, I recommend you start from chapter 1. Even the names were changed. [ ladevine98 ]

I know in the past two years there has been many other written Alpha/Huntress books. So before that one person accuses me of copying ideas, know that these books didn't even exist by the time I wrote this book. Capisce?

Bene. Furthermore, English isn't my first language. I am bilingual, learning a third, so bear with me on any grammar mistakes, okay? :)

Thanks for reading my book, it means more to me than you could image. :)

PS: I will update as frequently as possible, twice or three times a week, but High School is hitting me hard this year so bear with me. Lol. For now, the Prologue is up.


"I know you're incapable of love," Dimitri laughed darkly. "But you're my Luna, my half, my life source, and you'll respect me, even if I have to break you apart."

"Shut up," I said, for like what sounded like the tenth time.

"Oh I'll shut up," he grunted, grabbing the back of my head and cupping my cheek, softly, very softly, kissing my lips. I stood, wide-eyed, confused, not moving a muscle. Warmth. It was the autumn kind of warmth. Not the burning warmth of summer, or the coldness of winter, but the warmth of autumn. The warmth of cuddling. The warmth of pureness and caring tenderness. Soft lips, very soft, softer than cotton candy, but tasty, red and full like plum fruit. I sighed, all stress and soreness and loss of sleep reducing immensely, as if washing off in a hot bath. My eyes failed me, they closed, my skin prickling at the lively sense of touch. Oh God, so sweet, so evil, so wrong. So good. Our tongues danced slow, thrusting and caressing- wrong, so wrong.

I had one job, and I failed. I was going to pull away, but I thought better. I grabbed my dagger, and quickly, shoved it into his chest, pushing the blade entirely in. He stopped, and pulled away, looking down at the silver dagger deep into his chest cavity. Then he looked at me; he almost looked surprised. I pulled the dagger out of his chest, cleaning the blood off it against my sleeve.

"That was hot," I laughed, pecking him in the lips again. I shoved my fingers into his wound, just so I could say I had the Alpha's blood in my hands, like he would've had mine. "I am Lilith," I reminded him, feeling the inhumane warmth of his skin turn into a fever, silver tainted in poisonous wolfsbane spreading through every bloodstream. "Do not forget," I whispered.

Comment what you think 'cause I am super duper excited to bring TAH back!

IMPORTANT: If you wanna hear a creepy version of a story, and the meaning of Lilith (essential to know for the story, cause, it's inspired on her), and who she is, read below:

Lilith: Demon-Goddess of Eden, often portrayed as succubus, also portrayed as the mother of all demons, bringer of disease, illness and death. Said to be the first wife of Adam before she became... "Evil", and replaced with Eve.

The story says they became apart (Adam and Lilith) was because, during sex, Adam would not let her take control and have a say, because he was a male, and believed in masculine superiority, so he must've always been on top. She believed they had the same authority, as they were created equal, but he'd oppose. Believed to be the first woman to be empowered, independent and free (a feminist, actually). So, unable to stand Adam, she flew away.

Adam missed her very much, and she did visited him, but only at night time, to have sex, with her on top. The Angels came, tried to force her to stay forever with Adam, but she refused, saying she'd have one job: harm small children, unless, they had an angelic object or name (she went mad crazy, trying to make feminism happen, and became evil).

Alas, they say, she should've never been considered a demon, but a female, whom men should've looked up to, and praised, for her equality and empowerment of both sexes. It is also said females should've been represented with the Demon Goddess, for the troubles every female has to face for their gender.

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