But she surprised me, "NOX."

And the entire room plunged to blackness. The candles had gone out.

I faltered. I wasn't sure where the circle I was carving ended. I again deserted my plan, "Lumos."

Dawn was inches in front of me.

I yelped and jumped backwards. With a bang, my wand flew out of my hand, and I was suddenly lying on the cold hard ground, my back and head aching.

Dawn muttered something, and I found that I couldn't move my arms or legs, they were glued to the ground. I realized it was the same spell she used to stick Logan's hand to the wall to prevent him from escaping death.

Dawn bent over me, smirking, "Hold still. This will hurt less if you do."

-------> Nico's POV <------

Thankfully, Piper's charmspeak gave me the energy I normally didn't have at two in the freaking morning.

I shadow traveled to the Library corridor and found myself face-to-face with Dawn Getaway, who did the normal thing when people saw me in the morning. She screamed and jumped backwards.

She stared at me in shock and confusion, "What? How did you—"

I ignored her and pushed her onto the ground for the others to find. I could sense Wilby's life now, he wasn't dead, but dying fast.

I ran down the hallway, turned, and found the place in ruins. The marble floor had a gigantic hole in the middle, and I could see the dungeons underneath. Chunks of wall had been blasted off, and scorch marks like spray paint covered the walls and floor.

Wilby was lying spread-eagled on the ground. I came forward, and I'm not even exaggerating when I say this. His face was white like the floor. And dark blood bubbled from his mouth to the floor.

"Oh gods," I mumbled. I used the shadows in his throat to push out the blood so that he stopped choking.

"Hey!" Dawn raced over. "What are you—"

I flicked my hand and she slammed against the wall. I willed the shadows to collect and hold her there.

I turned back to Wilby and touched his shoulder, and we shadow traveled to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey was sleeping in her office, so I woke her up. She jumped up and immediately got to work on Wilby. The first thing she did was kick me out.

I sighed.

When I got back to the Library corridor, everyone was already there. Dawn was whimpering and trying to free herself.

Thalia noticed me first, "How's Wilby?"

"I think he's gonna be fine," I said, "he's not dead. Not sure what's wrong with him. He's bleeding from the mouth pretty bad."

Annabeth glared at Dawn, "Care to explain?"

Dawn looked ready to cry, "Explain what?"

"Start from the beginning," Annabeth said. Then she made her face level with Dawn's, "And I am really, really good at telling when someone lies."

Dawn looked at the ground, unwilling to meet our accusing eyes, "Look, I'm the victim okay? You want to know the real reason why I left the boundaries during capture the flag? Drew sent my cat to lead me out of the Shield Spell. She did it to deliberately put me in danger."

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