Part 33 - The New Couple

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"Hey Bella!" I exclaim as I hold her in a tight hug.

"Whoa, Whoa, calm down, we only saw each other two days ago!" She gasps and tries to pull away.

"I- I'm sorry, come in!"

I move to the side and invite her into the small house. Bella walks in, making her way down the narrow doorway and into the dining room. She sits down while I poke my head into the spare room and tell Rhett and Link that Bella had arrived. They both nod and get up. The duo follows closely behind me.

"Bella, meet Rhett and Link"

"Holy Jesus, wha- wow... You're so much taller in person, like, a looooot" She exaggerates and stands up. When she stood up, the top of her head was the same height as Link's shoulder.

"Haha, we get that often" Rhett chuckles awkwardly.

"I'm Bella!" She says happily and formally shakes their hands.

"Nice to meet you Bella, so you're a friend of Jenny?" Link asks, his southern accent slipping through.

"The one and only!"

"Hey, I have other friends too!" I laugh.

"Really?" She says, leaving everybody stunned.

"I, um, I should get the food" I reply and duck out to the kitchen. I swiftly gather the food and return to the room; everybody had already sat down around the table. I place a plate of sausages, a few steaks, roast onion and potato's into the center of the table.

"This looks great Jennifer!" Rhett compliments, making me blush.

"Thanks, nothin' beats a good barbeque dinner"

"It's a classic Australian delicacy!" Bella jokes and takes some food onto her plate.

We eat in silence and occasionally chat about ourselves and how our day has been. Once the main meal was finished, I brought out a large, chocolate mud cake and vanilla ice cream for dessert, which everybody loved. Rhett verbally applauds my cooking skills and Bella eats the cake so fast, it looked like she was inhaling it. Oh well, she has her own way of saying thank you.

When she finished her food, she wiped her face with a napkin and excused herself to the bathroom.

"I'll be back in a minute" Rhett says, and also leaves the table. I turn to Link.

"So, what do you think of Bella?"

"She's very... unique, but I can tell you two are very close" Link chuckles and rests his head in his hands, elbows propped up on the table in a childish manner.

"Bella is a lot of fun, but can be slightly immature and annoying, so beware!" I reply.

"I've noticed though, even though you've been in Australia for 16 years, you seem to still have a Southern accent. I can definitely tell she was born in Australia since it's very easy to recognize the accent compared to you..."

"People mention that a lot, but I don't really talk about it too much" I mumble and shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Why don't you talk about America more often? It's an important part of who you are"

"It's, just," I take a deep breath "I'm not very proud of who I was back then and I really don't want to dwell on that dark part of my life"

"Well, you can't hide forever. I hope to find out more about young Jenny, but for now, Where is Bella and Rhett?" Link asks and looks around the room, slowly getting up from his seat.

"They should be back soon, don't get you're knickers in a knot" I snicker under my breath.

"Whatever, but, they've been gone for a while"

"Well, the front door is closed so they are still in the house, how about we check the rooms?" I reply and stand up beside the tall man.

We slowly walk down the tiny hallway. Curse these North Lakes houses for being so utterly small. Link goes ahead of me as we travel through the silence of the house. I walk pass a closed door and hear rustling noise from inside, I nudge Link and point at the door. I open the wooden door, to find Bella and Rhett in the room. But, they we're on a bed, kissing.

"Ahem" I choke out.

The two quickly turn to us and push each other way, staring at us with eyes as wide as saucers.

"Uh, hey Jennifer, we we're about to come back but, uhhhhh" Bella stammers, this is the first time I've ever seen her lost for words.

"It's okay Bella, you don't need to freak out, we're all adults here" I calmly reply and lean closer to Link.

"Pheeew! I thought you were going to kill me or somethin', seriously"

"So are you two, like, a thing? Link points between the two of them.

"Yeah, you could say that" Rhett replies, Bella giggling at his remark.

"Well, I don't mean to spoil the fun but the new Doctor Who episode is up on the TV and waiting for us!" I do small jumps on the spot and have a crazy wide grin plastered on my face. Everybody also leaped in excitement and raced to the lounge room.

I flicked on the television and the episode automatically started playing. I cuddled next to Link as Bella sat with Rhett in silence.

Everything couldn't be more perfect...


Hello Lovelies!

So, tomorrow is the last day of school holidays. Noooo!

I absolutely am not prepared for school and really want to spend another two weeks at home doing nothing, but the government won't allow that, bummer...

Question: What do you do on Saturday and Sunday mornings?

For the Australian timezone, GMM is uploaded at 8PM at night. But on the weekend, I do a lot of Tumblr, so much Tumblr...



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