Part 17 - World Tour Tickets!

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YouTube flashes up as I find myself searching their names. The first suggestion that comes up was a song called 'My OCD', it seemed pretty funny but I wasn't really paying attention though because I was too busy looking at Rhett and Link... I knew it was them, even with their current hairstyles, I couldn't ever mistaken it. Their personalities shone through the screen as I watched more and more of their videos, over and over again.
I make my way to the GMM homepage to watch their most recent video called 'World Tour Tickets on Sale'. My heart skips a beat as I click onto the link and observe the two closely as they sat in front of the camera.

"Hello Mythical Beasts!" Link introduces, greeting the camera with a warm smile.

"We have talked a lot about out world tour, which is coming up very soon" his friend replies with.

"We're leaving in a few days to our first location but we still have some tickets available for any of you guys who missed out"

"Go onto for more details and tickets to the upcoming show"

"We hope to see you there!"

The screen went blank, along with my thoughts Was it co-incidence that the two of them were travelling to Australia very soon? Surely not.

I google 'Rhett and Link' and analyse their Wikipedia page. It had to be them, I never knew anybody with those strange names in Buies Creek, it was a small county town where everyone seemed to be friends with one another, or so I thought. Everything seemed to match, but I'm not as happy as I thought I would be, I was kind of terrified. I had come to Australia to leave behind the past, to start a new life.

But now it was chasing me down.


After investigating some more into the younger lives of Rhett and Link, I stumble upon a video which surprisingly, mentioned me.

"So Link, do you recall that girl, Jennifer?" Rhett said, he looked almost completely different from what I remembered him as. Well, that was 16 years ago.

"Oh yes! Jenny, the girl from The Deflowered Forest" I cringe at the mention of the title, I had almost forgotten about that place.

"Do you ever think about where she is now?" Rhett says, looking at his friend, ignoring the camera.

"I do, I sometimes hope to see her again, to at least know she's alright now" he replies with while fumbling with his hands, adjusting his glasses.

I wish I could just leap through the screen, embrace them in a hug and tell them everything is alright. But I couldn't do that without having to dig up the past, which I wasn't prepared to do yet.

I look at the time and curse myself. Dylan was expecting me at MacDonalds in only 20 minutes! I leap from my seat and run into the bath room, powdering my face and cleaning my teeth. I slip on an adorable outfit which consisted of shorts, flats, a singlet and zig-zag cardigan. I brush my long, blonde hair before shoving my laptop into a satchel and throwing it over my shoulder, exiting the house. I unlock my car and get in just as my phone starts to right, it was Dylan. I pick up the call and begin driving to the local WestField (it's a large shopping centre - mall, for all you Americans).

Hey Jenny!" He says enthusiastically.

"Hey Dylan, why are you calling me 10 minutes before we're meeting up and also, don't call me that again"

"Awwww, but I love calling you that, please?" He begs over the phone.

"No! Don't ever call me Jenny!" Even when I say the name I cringe, just at the thought of Link almost distracts me from driving safely.

"What's so bad about me calling you Jenny?"

"Just... Don't, please" I plead.

"Okay, how far away are you?"

"I'm pulling up right now" I say as I park my car and grab my laptop bag, swinging it onto my shoulder

"Oh okay, I'll see you in a minute"

"Alright, bye!" I reply with as I get out of the car, into the humid night time breeze.

Hello lovelies! Wasn't expecting me to update twice in a day did ya? neither did I because, guess what,


Yes, I did say WE because YOU are the one who reads and votes/comments for my stories. Thank you so much, and to celebrate this, I decided to upload another chapter and...


Sort of like a mini Q&A, ask me anything (well not ANYTHING) about maybe what it's like to live in the world down under, by down under I mean Australia, or something of your imagination, I don't know. Comment some questions and I will answer with the best of my ability in the comments section.


Before I knew you: A Rhett and Link FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now