Chapter Eight

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"Okay." I said and nodded as we swayed side to side slightly. "I'm always here too okay? I may be two years younger, but I'm more mature than you are."

"I doubt that." He aaid and then pulled away. "Anyways, our fall break is coming up. Are you doing anything?"

"No. You're the only friend I have really." I told him and he nodded. "Are you doing anything?"

"No." He said and chuckled. "Do you want to hang out then? We can do whatever you want." He told me.

"Sounds like a plan then." I said and he smiled. "Starbucks, the mall, and some shitty fast food restaurant it is."

"My dream day." He said and I laughed, catching his sarcastic demeanor. "Halloween is like three weeks away. Maybe we can go shopping for a costume. Halloween is the best holiday."

"Really? I like Valentines because I'm a hopeless romantic." I said and he laughed. "I think it's amazing that there's a day made just for love, it's such a powerful emotion."

"I hate it honestly. It just reminds me how I'll be forever alone." He told me and I pouted. "No one wants to date a kid who flunked a year and looks like a potato who hasn't ever seen light."

"You'll find a girl, or boy, or whatever you're into." I said and he nodded. "I promise you that. You'll find them and you'll hold them in your arms and they'll hold you in their arms and you'll cuddle when it's cold and go swimming when it's hot." I said and he laughed.

"Thanks Katelyn, it means a lot to know you think that." He told me and I nodded. "You'll find someone too."

"I hope so, my foster parents don't even seem to want me around." I said and then blushed. "I wasn't supposed to say that last part."

"What do you mean?" He asked me and I looked around, praying for the bell to ring and class to start.

Suddenly, the bell was ringing and I pouted. "Oh look, the bell cut me off. I'll tell you some other time. Come on." I said and he laughed.

"Nice." He commented and followed me into the class.


"I hate school and I hate people." I groaned as I out my head down on the table. "The principal called home because I was out of uniform."

"That's bullshit." He told me and I nodded. "It's one day. They should be lucky you wore clothes at all." He said.

"Because I'm coming to school naked." I said and laughed. "Actually-"

"Oh god-"

"No, I came to school in my pajamas once so I was basically naked. My pajamas are booty shorts and a tank-top, if not then I sleep in my underwear only." I told him and he laughed.

"No pants is the best."

"But no pants and no bra is even better." I counted as I waved my finger slightly. "That's true relaxation to me."

"No clothes is the best." He said and shrugged. "You gotta let your body breathe man."

"Exactly, high five. Someone understands." I said and we high fived. "It's not like we're naked while everyone is home so what's the point? When you're alone, all clothes come off man." I said and he nodded.

"Yes! I mean, why would I want to wear clothes all the time? I need to breathe and I need to just sit back and enjoy the breeze you know?" He said and I nodded.

"I do know." I said and then we looked at each other. We bursted out laughing and everyone looked at us like we were crazy.

Maybe we were. Or maybe we were normal and they were crazy.

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