Chapter 13

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Miyuki's POV

"A Terrine."

"It is a Rainbow Terrine, featuring seven vegetables" Megumi-san informed.

Rainbow Terrine? I've never seen this before except the terrine which the four-eyed glasses made. What a creative person...

"Hmm... Seven patés, each of a different color. They created stripes of color, like a rainbow."

"Wait, didn't Shinomiya also assign a terrine in his lesson?"

"Oh, how interesting. You're trying to find fault with my recette for the Terrine of Nine Vegetables?"

"No, um... I... I... I just wanted people to see my own recette, so..."

Megumi-san stuttered while flailing her arms. Well, it is similar to Shinomiya-san's terrine, but I'm sure the taste will be different than his. I can't wait to take a bite. From its appearance, it seems delicious.

"Well, let's see how it turned out for starters."


I picked up the knife and fork and sliced the terrine laid in front of me into cube before stabbing one and putting in my mouth. Inside my mouth, it feel like light as if it wasn't there and the taste...not bad and the juice from the vegetables it's kinda perfect. I think I grade it, 7 or 8? It's a bit hard to grade and I can't choose if 7 or 8 as if there are just the same. It's acceptable in impressing on my palate, though.





All the alumni gave their comments about the terrine they ate and Megumi-san explains about how she made the sun-dried tomatoes using an oven after Dojima-san asked about it.

"Shinomiya's Terrine of Nine Vegetables is a dish meant to savor the flavor of fresh vegetables, but this recette focuses on the flavor unique to vegetables prepared for preservation. While they're both vegetable terrines, one showcases the flavor of freshness, and the other the umami born of maturation. They approach vegetables as an ingredient from completely different angles."

I like Megumi-san's terrine appearance. It's looks more attractive and it blends to our modern days. Not like the other one, as if we usually see or it's common. -_- Don't judge the book by its cover. Yes, I know. But, a beautiful appearance is one of the factors in catching your judges or customers' interest on your dish.

"The taste just sinks into your heart. The dish is full of Megumi's kindness."

"Yes. If Shinomiya-san is the Magician of Légumes. Megumi-chan would be someone that subtly provides us with nature's bounty. A Koro-pok-guru of Legumes."

Koropok.. What?

"No, that's wrong! Megumi-chan is someone that brings me happiness! She's the Household God of Légumes!"

Is there even a god for that?

"No, but perhaps she is someone who has come from the snowy country to deliver the bounty of vegetables to us. A Snow Child of Légumes."

Oh great... Now we have the daughter of the Ice Queen...

"It's not winter right now! I don't think that fits!"

First, drifting off to the world of food fantasy and now we are in the world of different name-callings fantasy. Please Kami-sama, spare my life. Why don't they just act as our role models for us teenagers? *Sigh

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