Halloween Fun (Narry)

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"Wake up its Halloween!!!" Harry shouted as he jumped on top of Niall who groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

He couldn't help but smile seeing Harry ramble about Halloween and what's going to happen today. Right as Niall was about to comment Harry kissed him deeply cupping his cheeks. Niall rolled them over so he was on top making Harry giggle and put a cookie in Niall's mouth. Niall let out a laugh as he chewed the cookie and looked at the other half of it to see it was a ghost. Niall ate the rest of the cookie before pecking Harry's lips then got off the bed to go get ready for the day. He could hear spooky songs playing as he took his shower then got in his costume. He laughed evily as he sneaked up behind Harry who was wiping up some more cookie batter.

Niall grabbed Harry's shoulders with a hiss as he shook him making Harry jump letting out a squeal. He turned around and pushed Niall away with a pout. The pout was gone as soon as he felt Niall's lips on him feeling the fake fangs poke his bottom lip. He pulled away from the kiss and wiped some of the cookie batter on Niall's nose. He giggled as Niall hissed at him before wiping it off and licked it off his finger. He left the kitchen when the doorbell rang singling that someone was there. He looked through the peephole to see two kids standing in front of a teenage boy. He by the door to see did he have any candy and just as he was about to ask Harry he saw it. He grabbed the bowl then opened the door wiggling his eyebrows with a evil laugh.

"Who dares knock on my door?" Niall asked making his voice deep which made the two 3 year olds in front of him shake in fear.

"We just wanted some candy." The little girl said pointing her wand to the bowl.

"Then take some if you dare." Niall said crouching down to their level they reached in but gasped when a zombie hand popped up making them scream and run away.

"That was sick acting." The teenage boy said fist bumping Niall who smirked then closed the door.

Niall sat the bowl down and turned around to have a bucket of Halloween decorations dropped in his arms. He looked up Harry who opened the door with a smile while pulling Niall out the house. They spent the next hour putting up decorations with Harry doing all of the work. Niall just scared little kids away by showing them his fangs. He and Harry even put on a act for some kids with Niall biting Harry and pretending to kill him. Harry would admit he looked watching the kids reactions as he pretended to be dead. After the last kid ran away with wide eyes Harry got up and wiped the fake blood off before going back to decorating the house. Niall set up the fog machine smirking knowing that their house looked the coolest on the block.

"Niall can you hand me the balloons?" Harry asked as he stood on his tippy toes putting the fake skeleton on their door.

"Vampires don't help humans unless it envoles something sexual." Niall said in a Italian accent while holding part off his cape over his mouth.

"Your not a real vampire last time I checked so hand me the balloons or you won't get any caveman booty tonight." Harry said glaring over his shoulder at Niall who was quick to hand him the balloons."Thank you."

"I shall show you tonight that I am a real vampire." Niall whispered to himself with a grin on his face.

He disappeared into the house and upstairs to the bedroom making sure to be quiet as he set everything up. He was hanging upside down from the ceiling when Harry walked in the bedroom to get changed. Harry shook his head and went to go get dressed as Niall still pretended to be sleep. Harry went to go shake Niall awake but he didn't move at all. Harry kissed him hoping that would make him wake up but he felt something stab his bottom lip. Niall's eyes snapped open just as Harry started to suck in his bottom lip that was bleeding. Niall locked eyes with him and licked over his fangs letting out a hum. Harry back up out the room as Niall smirked at him with a wink.

Just as Harry turned around to head down the stairs Niall unhooked his feet and dropped down on the floor. He followed after Harry who was making sure his caveman custom looked fine. The couple got in the car and headed to their friend Halloween party. Both of them happy that nobody dressed like them when they got there. Niall instantly went to go find Zayn, Liam, and Louis so he can set his plan into action. When he did find them, they were munching on some chips in the kitchen while chatting. They all cheered and hugged Niall once they saw him checking out his costume since he kept it a secret.

"You guys want to be apart of this prank I'm pulling on Harry?" Niall asked and the guys all nodded.

"What exactly is the prank?" Zayn asked before putting another chip in his mouth.

"Since Harry doesn't think I'm a real vampire, I was going to suck out your blood in front of him killing you one by one." Niall said and the guys nodded before Louis pulled out a bag of fake blood.

"Looks like I got a reason to use this now." Louis said making everyone laugh.

"Liam your going to be going first." Niall said grabbing Liam's wrist and the fake blood bag from Louis.

They stood by the backdoor and pretended to agrue as Zayn started to talk to Harry bringing him a few feet away from the backdoor. Niall looked out the corner of his eye to see Harry looking at them. Niall opened the backdoor and tugged Liam outside bringing him a few feet from the house. He opened the blood bag and poured some on Liam's neck then put some around his mouth. Liam gave him a thumbs up before dropping to the ground pretending to be dead. Niall walked back in the house with a smirk on his face bumping pass Harry who looked at him confused before running outside. He looked around trying to find Liam and that's when he saw a figure on the ground.

"Liam!!!" Harry shouted running over to him before dropping to his knees as Liam stopped himself from breathing.

Harry held back his tears as he looked over Liam's body one last time before getting up and going back in the house. He came in just in time to see Niall with his arm around Louis' shoulder taking him upstairs. Harry moved through the crowd trying to call out to Louis but it was too late as Niall said Louis disappeared upstairs. Harry was finally able to go upstairs and looked down the hall trying each room. It was hard to hear which room Louis and Niall was in because the music and the voices were to loud. Just as he was about to check the last door he heard a scream coming from the bathroom. He quickly went over and put his ear against the door to hear better.

"You don't have to do this I won't tell anyone what I saw!!!" Louis shouted which made Harry's heart drop.

"I'm sorry Lou but I'm still hungry." Niall said and that's when Harry tried to open the door only to find it locked as Louis started screaming.

Harry quickly put his back against the wall hearing the bathroom door unlock. Niall walked out wiping the corner of his mouth he disappeared downstairs to find Zayn. Harry was quick to look in the bathroom and let out a gasp seeing Louis sitting in the tub with blood covering his face with handprints on the wall. Harry felt like he was going to vomit as he walked away from the door and went down the stairs. He saw Zayn and Niall in the corner of the room laughing and leaning on each other. In a blink of an eye Niall was pretending to dance with Zayn as he bit into his neck. A few minutes later Niall dropped Zayn on the couch and wiped his mouth off. Harry was so scared and sad that he didn't disagree when Niall told him that they should head home.

"You've been quieted all night love." Niall said wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulder making him jump."You look like a perfect snack."

"I'll go turn off the fog machine." Harry said quickly going over to the door but Niall came right in front of him.

"Don't go I haven't tasted your blood yet." Niall said with a hiss making Harry take a step back covering his neck.

"Please don't kill me I love you." Harry said and Niall started laughing while taking out his fangs.

"Happy Halloween babe don't ever doubt my costume again." Niall said as Harry smacked his chest but kissed him anyway."Let's head back to the party and have a real good time."

Cute wasn't it?

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