18. Stupid!

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Alice's PoV:


I drove down the road. Jamie and Journee were staying behind with the guys. I sighed. Why did I do that? Andy's a good friend and because of me and my stupid trust issues, I just had to ruin our friendship. I'm so stupid!

I thought multiple times if I should just turn back and apologize, but I found my reasons to say no. I didn't want him to break me like My first boyfriend did. It might sound wrong for many reasons, but he was the only good part in my life when everything wrong and the I finally give him my trust, and he shatters it. Jamie and Journee journeyed been my friends forever. They deserve my trust. Zack was a stupid guy and a player. I never want to reveal to anyone of what happened that night. Not even Jamie or Journee know.

I just told everyone I'd never had a boyfriend before. Only because he never really was a boyfriend to begin with. Sure we went on a few dates, but he crossed every line in my book. He was just an arrogant, selfish jerk who didn't deserve anyone.

Tears trailed down my cheeks and I realized I was crying. Zack was the one who broke me. Andy was probably only trying to be friends. He didn't do any harm. I'm probably a notch to everyone now. They probably think that I'm a no good prep. A pep who just wants to make their lives a living hell.

I parked into the driveway of my house. Before I could open the door of my car, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I flipped my phone on and looked at the clear I.D.

"Hello?" I said as I pressed the confirm button.

"Alice? What the he'll went down tonight? I thought you two liked being friends and since when did you have freaking trust problems?!"

"Listen. I'll explain later and should I com-"

"You should come down. I think you need to see Andy. Like, right now!"

"Uh okay. I'll be there in five minutes."

I shut down my phone and started driving to the venue. Once I got there, I parked my car in the parking lot. I jumped out of my car and sighed. Which bus was theirs? After a while of walking, I found the star with B' s around the sides. I recognized it as the symbol for BVB. My friends always had that symbol. I walked the small steps and was about to knock when the door flung open. Ashley, Jinxx, and Jake pulled me in before I could even put my hand down.

"Whoa!" I gasped.

"Shhh!" They all said. I heard voices come from the back of the bus. It was pretty clean. Cleaner then what I expected.

I leaned closer to the voices and heard my friends voices speak to Andy's.

"We don't even know what she meant, Andy. I think she had a boyfriend before. She did hang out with that Zack guy a lot when she was fifteen."

"Yeah. I think he broke her pretty bad. She wouldn't talk to him after a few days and then they just co.allegedly ignored each other."

"Why would she be afraid to be my friend, though?"

"We have no idea."

I stepped out from the corner, revealing my friends in front of a bunk with Andy sat down. He had his hands on his eyes. He looked like he'd been crying.

"Because he completely broke my trust after I gave it to him." All of their heads snapped up to my voice. It was hard to believe this morning we were all best friends. Now we all were a wreck. Andy more than anyone. "The same thing Zack did to me."

I walked over to Andy and sat next to him.

"What did he do that was so bad?" Asked Andy.

"Well, we were a secret couple. He told me he wanted to wait for the school to know we were dating. He was a jock. One day, I came over to his house and his parents were screaming at him. I walked into the kitchen and two girls were at the table." I cleared my throat. "They were some cheerleaders I didn't know and they were screaming at him about how stupid he was to get so girls pregnant. They noticed me when I came in and asked if he got me, too. He said no and he explained to me on how he cheated on me repeatedly with other girls and that he was sorry. But, the thing is, you can't mean sorry unless your not going to do it again. He said Sorry but didn't mean it because be kept cheating with other girls. Luckily for me he wasn't dating me any more. As we speak, he's probably got fifteen his hanging off of him."

Everyone on the bus just stared at me.

"Did he ever touch you?" Jamie asked. I shook my head. He was a jerk, but he knows I strictly told him not to touch me sexually.

"Is that the reason you denied me to be your friend?" Andy asked. I nodded. I knew if I talked I would break down.

"I would never hurt you on purpose, Alice. I was just afraid.you would reject me for my band, like makeover half of the earth does." I laughed.

"Andy, I don't care if you ate slugs and were Spider-Man. You should have told me the truth. I like the music you guys make, I just hate wearing the make-up." Everyone laughed and we all hung out on the bus. Jake went to go get a bottle to play truth or dare with and I couldn't help but think, this was a really good place to have friends. A good way to keep my trust.

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