17. what?

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Alice's PoV:


I paced my bedroom.floor as I waited for Journee and Jamie. Andy brought me home at the end of the day. Now I'm waiting. I wanted to tell them about the deal. I just burned Andy. I just experienced that he told me he liked me. I'm still shuddering from.his confession. I didn't want him to tell me! I was weirded out when he started acting weird around me when I was taking the video of him and Sammi. What was HIS problem anyways?!

The doorbell rang. I ran from my room to the door and opened it to see a smiling pair of twins.

"Are you two going out?!"

"Did he kiss you?"

"Did you kiss back?!"


"Hold up black sun shines!" I threw my hands in the air. "I called you two over here because I need your help. Me and Andy made a deal."

I calmly explained the deal to them. They nodded.

"Whoa ho ho! Wait a minute. You said you needed help. Why do you need help?" Jamie asked.

"Simple. I want show how Andy how good of a friend I can be. Is that band still performing? Uh . . . Black Veil Brides?"

"Yeah . . ."

"Why do you ask?"

"I want four tickets to their concert. Me, Andy, and you guys." They looked at each other quickly than faced me.

"I don't think.that's such a good idea. They are performing tonight and we don't have tickets."

I walked over to my desk and sat in front of my computer. Printable BVB rickets for twenty five bucks a pop.


I waited for them to print and Jamie and Journee looked at me lime I was insane.


"I thought pudding like them!" Jamie exclaimed.

"I never said that. I said I've never listened to them before. I guess now I will. Actually, what I really need you guys' help with isn't for the tickets. I need the war paint help . . ."

"Well so help.you with that!" The printer had the tickets booted off and Jamie texted Andy Andy to meet them.at the concert. I told them to make me a surprise.


We made it to the concert. We cashed in our tickets early and walked into the venue. We waited a good ten minutes before the band was embraced to be going on stage. I screamed with he crowd as we waited. Soon enough, the band started walking on stage, and started playing. Ashley, CC, Jake, Jinxx, and . . .Andy walked on stage. I stayed in a shocked position. Sure, I liked their music, but how could Andy lie to me? I sang along with the flow of the music and followed Journee and Jamie as we made our way to the meet and greet. I made sire I looked unnoticed in the war paintings we made our way into a tent. We were one of the last ones in line. Man . . . This sucks.

We waited for what seemed like forever until it was our turn. I brought my small notebook for them to sign. I walked up to Jake first.

"Hi. Can you sign this?"

"Sure. What's your name?" He asked without looking up.

"Alice," I said, barely above a whisper. His head shot straight up and his eyes widened. I put a finger to my lips and he just nodded. Jake would notice me from anywhere. I went over to the other guys and gave them a hint on who I am. Finally I made it to my target of the night.

"Hi. Can you sign this for me?" I asked, pushing my notebook towards him as I came up with a very dull voice to cover mine up.

"Sure. What's your name?"

"Allie's a nickname but you can call me Alice," I.said, returning back to my normal voice. Andy stopped the Sharpie on the paper and slowly looked up at me. He widened his eyes and just stared. His mouth opened and closed. I imagined him as a fish.

"Close your mouth. Bugs will fly in." He immediately shut his mouth and signed the paper at lightning speed before handing it back and grabbed my wrist.

"Are you mad?"

I laughed.


He sighed. "Thank you! For a minute there I thought you were going to say something hurtful." He let go of my hand.

"Oh I wasn't finished." I put my hand on my hip as Andy slowly backed away.


"Andy . . . Why didn't you tell me you were in a band? I don't care!"

"You said you didn't like our music and I didn't want you to be hateful towards me!"

"How many times do I have to tell you people?! I said I never listened to your music! And Andy? I have strict trust issues and you just broke them! You had to lie to me and it really pisses me off! I don't care if you were suicidal and were about to jump off the Empire State Building! I would still be your friend unless you lie to me! Because if you lie, how am I supposed to know if I can ever trust you?!"

"A-Alice. . . Please-"

"Andy," I spoke with no emotion. That's what makes it the worst is no emotion in a situation like this. "I'm not your friend any more. Bye." And with that, I turned around and saw fans giving us the "What the fuck?!" look.

I even saw Andy in a a pole. He looked to nowhere, in a daze. I can't believe he thought he couldn't tell me. It upsets me he didn't. If we don't have trust, then it'll all be a lie.

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