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Alice's PoV:

Jamie was singing "Decode" by Paramore the whole way home. All I could think about was the mysterious man named Andy. I feared he would ask me out. He can't, though. I'm sixteen and underaged to date a 22 year old guy. That would be just wrong. My mind trailed off to his eyes. They seemed to capture every move I made while talking to him. My thoughts soon turned down to how a couple would look like. People would think me and him were insane. I don't think I'd ever seen an Emo with an ordinary before. Jamie once said it was adorable, but now that I think about it, I haven't see one couple like that. Not ever in my life! I was soon snapped out of my trance by Jamie's fingers snapping in front of my face. I smelled the black nail polish she put on just before the show.

"Earth to Alice! Is anyone home in there?!" She asked, knocking her knuckles onto my forehead. "Are the lights even on in there?!"

"Jamie? Can you please stop?!" I saw my house come into view.

"No! Not until you tell me exactly who you saw on that swingset with you back th-" Her sentence was cut short by my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"Lover boy's calling! Isn't he?" I smacked my friends arm playfully and pulled out my phone, a little hoping it was Andy.

I was disappointed when I saw it was my old friend, Journee. Wait?! Journee! I flipped over my phone and answered the call.


"Alice? Is that you?"

"Journee? It's been so long! What are you doing calling me at. . ." I looked at my phone's screen. "One in the freaking morning?!"

"I was wanting to see if I could maybe come over to your house to catch up?" In my mind, I was screaming and jumping up and down! Journee had been a long time best friend before she went on a vacation in the middle of the school year to Scottland.

"Sure. Where are you?"

She told me her address and I was overjoyed. She moved back into the house she left across the street.

"Okay. I'll wait for you on my front step. Bring a few pillows, too?" I asked.

"Sure. Are you still living across from me?" As soon as she asked this, I saw the curtain to her house open and saw her head peek out from the seams of the silk. She looked over to my house and squealed into the phone, causing me to bump into Jamie on the way down the stairs. Jamie looked up and saw Journee in the window. She waved and jumped up and down. Journee and Jamie got along, too well. All they ever did when they stayed the night together or talked over the phone was about Black Veil Brides. I honestly don't know why everybody got so worked up over them. They were just five normal guys.

Around five minutes later - even after hanging up my cell phone - Journee walked down her steps, and almost ran to my porch with her duffle bag.

"Alice! Jamie!" Journee screamed, running into Jamie and I, giving us a death grip of a hug. "It's been, too long," she said, letting us go and giving us warm smile. Journee was somewhat Scene. She wore the most colorful but darkest mysterious clothes that she made from her mom's fashion line.

We all walked into my house and it was then I saw Journee's hair was a natural color. It was a natural blonde color. She always died her hair a paranormal color and when I say this, I mean she would go to the store, buy mixable hair dyes, and make the weirdest colors in the world. Never have I ever seen her wear a natural hair color.

"Like your hair, Journee!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She gave me a smile and laughed.


A few hours passed by and Journee and Jamie were about to talk about the concert we went to.

"Alice went all bad girl and got a date. . ." Jamie whispered into Journee's ear.

"I did not! Stop telling lies!" I yelled to her, as I threw a pillow to her face. As soon as Jamie looked back at me, my phone ringed, signaling I had a new text.

"Is it lover boy?" Journee asked.

"Ugh! He's not 'Lover boy'! He's just a friend."

They obviously didn't believe me as they stalked over to me to see what the message read. I hid the first message from them. I looked down at my phone, seeing Andy had texted me saying:

Hey. Is this a real number? -Andy

I quickly typed back.

Yes it so happens to be.

Haha. When do you want to meet tomorrow?

How about. . . Threeish?

Perfect. See ya then! ;)

And that was how the text ended. I felt a laugh come from next to my ear and Jamie rolled on the floor laughing along with Journee.

"What's so funny?" I asked, raising one of my brows.

"He's totally asking you on a date!" Jamie squealed.

"What?! No. He's like 22. There's no way he'd like a sixteen year old. We are six years apart!" I gave them the wide-eyes and a pouty face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's 22?" I nodded my head.

"I think so." They both turned to me with evil grins on their faces. Oh, no.

"Make sure he doesn't take you anywhere, too private," Journee said with a wink. I gave them a horrid face and Jamie joined in on the fun.

"And if he does, just in case, use pepper spary," she said, whilst putting a hand on my shoulder. I had my mouth flung open.

"Ugh! Stop!"

"It's okay we were just joking," Jamie said.

"I wasn't," Journee piped up.

I gave her the death glare. Everyone is afraid of my glares because of my penatrating black eyes. Yes, black. It amost looked like my hair; my hair was almost the shade of black.

Journee gulped and turned away.

"Guys, he's not going to try anything, becuase I won't let him even date me." They both snapped their heads up and looked at me like I'd grown a third eye.

"B-but. . . you need to! You haven't even had your first date in your life!" Journee shook me.

"So? It's not like it's love at first sight. And besides, he's not even my type. . ."

"Alice. . ." Jamie warned. "Is he Emo, by any chance?"

I looked up. I quickly looked down at the floor and mumbled a, "yeah."

"Alice," she took my hand in her's and we sat down on the couch. "Emos with girls like you are a cute couple. Now, what was this guys name?"

I gave her an evil smile.

"I'm not telling you." She pouted but gave up, knowing she wouldn't get anything out of me. "Who was that guy you were with?"

She blushed beet red and turned to Journee for help. Of course she told Journee everything, only because I didn't listen to their BVB conversation. Journee turned to me with an excited expression on her face.

"Jamie went to the signing tonight and got a date with this cute guy named, Austin." She told me all of this while I chewed on the layed out popcorn.

"Ohh! Jamie's got a boyfriend! Jamie's gotta boyfriend!" I sang at the top of my lung's until I got hit with a pillow.

"Okay, okay. Let's just go to bed," I said. After brushing may hair, getting into some Batman pajamas - I have a secret passion for Batman movies - and putting all the trash away, I headed back to bed only to be stopped by the quiet ringing of my phone.

Night Alice! zzZZZ -Andy

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