8. Surprise Date

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Andy's PoV

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Ashley was the one to ask this question. The question caught Alice off gaurd, because her eyes went wide and it seemed the floor became really interesting all of a sudden.

"Alice defended me, I defended her. She got touched, and I beat the guy up," I said, smiling like an idiot at how I put my words. In everyone's ears, it must have sounded like I was a jealous boyfriend.

Wait. What?! I thought. Why would I think that?! I have a girlfriend!

It was true, too. And the truth was, I was going to her show tomorrow for her surprise date. I couldn't have thoughts of Alice in that way. I just wanted her to stay my friend.

The word friend echoed in my mind. I smiled. I had a new friend.

Way to go, Biersack!

Everyone was staring at Alice now. And to be more specific, they were staring at the reddened bandages.

"And what happened to you, darling?" Jinxx asked her.

"The guy who gripped my waist had a tight grip." She half told them the truth. She didn't tell the band about her scar. Jamie and Journee just looked nervously at me and then the rest of the band. I could honestly see they were jumping up and down in the inside. Who wouldn't? They were meeting Black Veil Brides, all in one day.

I was more surprised they hadn't fainted yet. They already looked like nervous wrecks that were paranoid a truck was going to hit them.

"Are we ready to go?" Alice asked her friends. They both nodded. Alice turned back to me, still gripping the ice pack to her side. To my surprise she wrapped her free arm around me and then whispered, "Thank you." She let go then walked out with her friends leading the way.

I just got hugged. A warm feeling bubbled in my stomach at this.

I turned back to the rest of the band, then clapped my hands together.

"Who's driving the injured Andy right here, and three other band members?" We all knew what this meant.

CC, Ashley, Jake, and I all yelled in unision, "Not it!" Jinxx looked disappointed when he came a few seconds late.



We all stepped onto the floor of the mansion we all shared. We all did our usual routine like nothing changed; we ate fast food we picked up on the way - which happened to be pizza - then went to the living room and watched T.V.

I soon told the guys I'd go to bed and entered in a dreamless sleep, a smile on my face through the whole night, hoping Juliet would be surprised by my special date I planned out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, I was sitting on the couch, texting nonstop to Alice.

How's your side feeling? -Andy

Just peachy *sarcasm* -Alice

I hope you feel better! </3

So do I! :D

No dip!

Weird saying. . . What are you doing?

Juggling bananas on a unicycle in clown shoes! *sarcasm*

Oh! Fun! *we get the sarcasm now* Now what are you really doing?

Texting you. . . Duh! :P

I mean besides that!

Thinking about my date I'm planning with my girlfriend.

AW! What are you planning on doing?

I hesitated before telling her the plan.

I'm planning on driving her to a special restaurant, then I'm thinking of proposing. . .

OMG! I'm so happy for you Andy! I hope you two hit it off! :D

Thanks! That means I have a girl's opinion now!

Haha. I have to go now! </3 See ya later Andy-ater! :D

See ya, Alice in Wonderland!

Haha. Very funny. . . -_- Bye!

I turned off my phone and got ready in a black tux, making sure I looked good for the resaurant I had reservations for tonight. I walked out the door and headed to the car. The guys promised me the car for tonight and I was using it to my advantage. I drove silently to Juliets house and parked in her driveway. Another car sat beside Juliet's. Weird.

I walked inside - with the spare key - and walked into the living room.

She wasn't there.

I wlaked up her stair case and strided over to her door. I was about to knock, when I heard the noise I never wanted to hear.

I pushed open the door, revealing Juliet and another guy, kissing like there was no tomorrow. Or me satnding in the doorway for that matter.

"J-Juliet?" My voice cracked. I didn't know what to do at this point. My heart practically shattered into a million pieces.

"Andy!" She said, breaking free of the guy who was making his way up her thigh. "It's not what it looks like!"

"Oh really? Because it looks to me like you've been cheating on me and now I'm leaving. . . With the ring I was going to propose to you tonight with." With that said, I thundered down the stairs and out the door. I drove all the way down the road, trying to figure out where I would go. I couldn't go back to my house. Not like this. I then thought of Alice.

She would probably be home. . .

I remembered the directions to her house, and drove to the few miles away from the starbucks I remembered walking away from. Once I parked into her driveway, I crawled up the stairs, feeling the tears start to fall. I knocked on the door twice.

After about a few seconds, Alice opened the door. She wore a green sweat shirt, and blue yoga pants. It highlighted the house as if she were apart of it.

"Andy? What are you doing here?"

"I went to Juliet's house to pick her up. . ."


"I found her sucking face with another gu-" I completely broke down. My hands found there way to my face, covering up my eyes in the process. I felt two arms drive around my torso.

"It's okay, Andy." She tried giving me soothign words. She even tried rocking me back and forth to get me to stop crying. But nothing worked.

My heart felt like it fell into the abyss and I couldn't get back out. I knew that if I tried to climb back out, I would just fall right back down.

Alice somehow got me into her house and on her couch. She wasn't in the room, though. She was in the kitchen making me some tea. I don't think it would help much in my condition, but I let her because I knew she would do it anyways. She was just trying to help me.

She walked back into the room with two cups with steam coming out of them. She handed me one and began sipping the one she still had in her hand. I started to drink mine also.


I mumbled something that meant I wanted to say yes, and she put her mug down.

"You can tell me anything. I'll always be here for you. I'm sorry she did that to you and you can always have my shoulder to cry on. Okay?"

I nodded my head and finally looked up to her. Something in me seemed to click. Alice had her eyes full of caring thought. Her face held a small smile. It didn't even look sad or pitying. She knew that's not what people wanted in a time like this. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her hair went down to her waist. She looked beautiful. I knew something was wrong with me if I didn't notice this before. She would always be here for me. She was here now. She looked perfect in only my eyes.

Because I was now falling for my new found friend.


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