5. Confessions

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Alice's PoV

Throughout my whole side of the story of my biggest and first painting, Andy held me tight. It was. . . Comforting. All the memories from that day just kept rushing back to me. The way my mom was so happy with my family. The day my dad got excepted to the Scientists Specialists. That day seemed perfect. And Andy was the one I trusted with the rest of the time after that day.

I let go of Andy and motioned for him to sit on my bed. I'll admit it was kind of weird having him in my room - and my house - but I trusted him. He cared about me. He's here for me. I just hoped it would stay that way after I tell him what happened that day.

With a sigh I came clean.

"When me and my mom were heading back to the house, it started raining and we pulled over on the road to wait it out, but. . ." My voice cracked and Andy scooted closer to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer.

"There was an ice slick on the road and when we the rain stopped my mom didn't see it so a car passed by it and it slid into our car and. . ." Andy pulled me closer until I was completely drowned into tears.

"Alice," Andy started. "Your here now, so how does it affect that day?" I looked straight through my blurred eyes into his blue one's and just blurted it out.

"Because when the car flipped over. . ." I quickly took in a deep breath before moving one of my hands to my side. "It left me with a memory." I looked back into Andy's questioning eyes and I took in another sharp breath.

"They took me to the hospital because I had a scar that went almost, too deep. When I got there, I went into a coma and didn't revive for five weeks. I was in a coma for over a month, Andy. And when I revived, all my old friends and family left me. They didn't look at me with those happy joyful eyes anymore. They looked at me like I was the most vial thing alive because I had bandages around my waist. They told me I was an attention seeker. They all left me because I didn't look the same anymore. I got skinnier from the coma and from the loss of blood from the cut. They told me not to talk to them anymore. So I didn't."

By then, Andy was in a death grip of a hug and I was hugging back. My nose was nuzzling his neck while his face was buried in my long brown hair.

"Then I met Journee and Jamie. They know about what happened to me. I also remember that was the day my parents started going on more and more business trips. They call me everyday when I come home from school. They're always worried about me. So I don't judge them. But, it does get kind of lonely around here. That's why I'm always painting or taking pictures. I'm running out of things to draw. . ."

"How big is your scar?" He asked bluntly.

"I don't know how to explain it. . ." I got out of Andy's arms and stood up pulling my shirt just to the middle of my stomach. The scar reached from right under my belly button, to the middle of my back. Andy's curious eyes took in the scar. I had to get so many stiches from that day. . .

I pulled down my shirt as I sat back down on the bed. I kept remembering that day. The events that happened those past few months haunted me. But int he same way, I felt like a thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders by telling someone. That someone being Andy.

"Hey, Alice?"


"You said you get lonely around here," he started. "Do you think I would be enough company?" I finally looked up at him with my eyes probably bulging out of my head. I simply nodded. I wasn't going to pass down the chance to have someone like Andy stay over for the next few weeks. I was off for half a month due to Fall break. It felt kind of nice. But at the same time it was so boring!

"Hey can I ask you something?" He pronounced.


"Can you draw me? You know since your running out of things to draw?"

I thought for a moment before walking over to my drawers and taking out a sketching pad and pencils. I set the pencils down, making sure I put one behind my ear before sitting back down.

"Should I sit where I am or. . .?"

"It doesn't matter."

After I said those words, Andy layed down on his back, hands on his stomack, knees bent in the air, his eyes trained on the ceiling. He looked relaxed. He always looked tense. This was a drastic change because in my eyes, he always looked stiff, built into a character that could never leave the television.

I immediately began to draw the outline of his frame. I started with his face. It wasn't hard, but it sure had a lot of detail. I barely noticed the time when i was done until he spoke up.

"Is this how long a person poses for something?" I simply laughed.

"A lot of artists ask there posers to come back the next few days to finish. Not me, though," I said, handing him the pad with his picture on it. He looked at it like it was a clone. Journee and Jamie always said they thought I copied off of a picture, but I just simply said that they were posingn the exact same way as I drew them, so how could I make a camera flash without them knowing?

"This is really amazing, Alice." He looked up from the drawing and up to me. By now, my clock said it was nine o'clock at night. Huh. I'd been sketching him for three hours. Interesting. . .

Andy seemed to notice the time, too. He set the pad on the bed and stood up. I followed his movements.

"I guess I should be going." I nodded my head up and down, making my hair fly everywhere.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded my head again. I walked him down to the door. I went to go grab his jacket from the living room.

Once I came back, I looked up to see Andy starring at one over a thousand of the pictures on the wall near the door.

"Is this you and your parents?" He said, pointing to a picture of me when I was twelve at my birthday, hugging my mom and dad. Jamie was in the background along with Journee, holding two fingers behind my mom and dad.

"Yeah. That was my twelveth birthday. It was the best birthday ever, too," I said laughing at the memory.

"And how so?"

"Jamie, Journee, and I all got into a cake fight with my parents while they weren't looking. It was such a fun day. After the cake and presents, my parents let me get out my water guns and I ambushed my friends. My parents were absolutely oblivious when my friends and I were behind them to ambush them. It was the most fun I'd had at my birthday."

Realizing Andy was still in the room, I looked over to see him looking at me. He had his hands in his pockets, whilst smiling at me.


He let out a laugh. "You really miss having that musch fun?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"When's your birthday?" He asked, completely ignoring my question.

"A week from now. And again, why?"

"Just curious." I don't believe that. Not for one second.

I put my hands on my hips, and playfully glared at him. He just laughed some more until the room went silent.

"You wanna go get some coffee?"

I nodded my head and went back down the hall to the living room, grabbing my jacket on the way in. I went back into the hallway and walked to the door where Andy was waiting.

"Ready?" He asks.

I nod and we head out on our walk to the coffe shop, Starbucks.

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