Circus 2013

683 19 5

"I'm a like the ringleader,

I call the shots (Call the shots)

I'm like a firecracker I make it hot

When I put on a show"

Channing Black's POV

A week later that dream still kept popping up, like an itch I just couldn't scratch. If I didn't know any better, I'd have sworn my subconscious was tryin' to be heard. But that couldn't be right. It was only a dream. Must be that old legend my dad and Uncle Mason always on about. Yeah, that's right; it was just a little memory floating around up there. Nothing more.

But sadly, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't believe it wasn't important. Well sure, I'd had sex dreams before. What dude hadn't? This one was completely different, though. Firstly, it was with another guy. Second of all, I knew his name. And the more I thought about it, the more confused I got.

Anyway, back to reality. Guess what? I'm running low on cash...again. No matter how much I hated the idea, I'd decided that another job was the easiest way to solve that. But at least I'll get to see Mama and Sam in the evenings. It could be worse.

So, right now I'm sitting in the unemployment office in Montgomery, Alabama just like half the population of the world. Damn recession. This waiting is starting to ware on my nerves. I've never been known as the most patient of people and I'd already been in here most of the day. What I wouldn't give for a Jules Verne novel right about now. Journey to the Center of the Earth, maybe...

"Channing Black," a stalky receptionist asked the people crowded in the tiny waiting area. I walked over to her and she motioned for me to follow. She lead the way down a series of hallways with so many turns that I got a little dizzy when we reached our destination.

She sits behind an oak desk that towers above her frame. I think "vertically challenged" would describe her perfectly. I sat down in the uncomfortable vinyl contraption opposite her and waited for her to speak. The receptionist shuffled the papers around the tabletop, which I was starting to think was a nervous twitch.

"According to the paperwork, Mr. Black, we could only find one opening that required your particular skillset. You may not be aware of this, but Circe de Serpent has been preforming at the Summer Carnival. They are in desperate need of a new ticket salesman, currently, and they have put an advertisement in the local paper. So, what do you think?

"B-but I have a Bachelor's Degree in International Communication!"

"Exactly! That's why you are the perfect candidate for this position. The Ringmaster has also informed us that Circe de Serpent's next destination is Budapest. You speak Hungarian, don't you?"

"Um...can I think about it?"

"Better hurry, they leave tomorrow morning."


Flight delays are evil. It took us an hour-and-a-half to get off the tarmac, so now we're behind schedule. And no matter what, the Ringmaster, Peter, stressed, we must never be behind schedule.

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