Mirrors 2013

673 23 5

 "'Cause I don't wanna lose you now

I'm looking right at the other half of me

The vacancy that sat in my heart

Is a space that now you hold

Show me how to fight for now

And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy

Coming back into you once I figured it out

You were right here all along

It's like you're my mirror

My mirror staring back at me

I couldn't get any bigger

With anyone else beside of me

And now it's clear as this promise

That we're making two reflections into one

'Cause it's like you're my mirror

My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me"

Channing Black's POV

Everything had changed. The universe suddenly shifted, this boy becoming the center of my whole world. It was magical and wonderful and terrifying all at the same time, but it felt perfect like the last piece of my heart was finally falling into place. Like waking from a dream.

This was crazy. Who just walks up to a random stranger and kisses him? Well, there really wasn't any walking involved but you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm not even gay. It was ludicrous, all of it. But somehow it happened, and I will never be the same. Somehow I'd given everything I had to him. Without a single word I was a goner. I'd fallen off a cliff into the abyss, unable to see the bottom but positive jagged rocks awaited me there.

As cold as death he was, this love of mine, his body cold as ice without a hint of life. But something inside me knew there was still hope, besides, why would the fates lead me here if not to fulfill the curse, the legend, the story? Somehow all my former fears seemed silly now, childish, and naïve. The dye has been cast and our future decided.

And so I gave in fully to our first kiss, knowing that this moment would forever be engraved in my memory. All that mattered in the universe was him an I together. Delicious tingles quickly spread throughout my body, igniting my blood to near boiling.

Primal moans escaped my slightly parted lips as he deepened the touch, tangling his frozen fingers in my hair. There was nothing soft about it, but cold and hot and wild with need. I was in joyous agony, my body throbbing all over. This kiss was burning us alive, consuming everything in sight, robbing the air from my lungs.

I'd never beheld anything like it. Here was everything I'd ever wanted; a home, a life, an escape. Right here was my other half now awakened from the dead, filling my head with the now familiar taste of apple. I was looking into a mirror and he was looking right back out at me, smiling. This was the beginning of everything. This was all that would/could ever matter. Perfect.


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