Wagon Wheel 2013

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This chapter is dedicated to Immy for such amazing stories. Go Unicorn Army!


 This part gives some more information on Channing's homelife and his family. He's really just like a lost puppy trying to find his place in the world. I hope everything ends all right for him, but I promise that there will be quite a few bumps along the way. Things will eventually get quite messy, but I'll try to keep it as nice and sweet as I can for as long as possible. And thanks for reading!


I'm going to post this one a day early so the next chapter isn't coming out till Thursday. Remember to vote and leave me some good comments!



"Heading down south to the land of the pines 

I'm thumbing my way into North Carolina 

Staring up the road and pray to God I see headlights 

I made it down the coast in seventeen hours 

Picking me a bouquet of dogwood flowers 

And I'm a-hopin' for Raleigh, I can see my baby tonight"

Channing Black's POV

100 more miles...75 more miles...50 more miles...Have to stay awake. Black coffee and Monster will only get so far on a 17-hour drive in the middle of the night. The only reason I'm not dead right now from a caffeine overdose is 'cause I'm a goin' home! Can't believe it's been almost three whole years. I mean, NYU's great and all, but it just isn't home.

Even with alla my savings from working two jobs, it still took almost every penny to afford the gas to get my suped-up V-8 down the Eastern Sea Board. But I don't have time or the cash to stop at a hotel; Mama's birthday is in the morning and I still have a ways to go yet. And drivin' since noon yesterday, you can bet I'm a dead man walkin'.

I can already picture the look on little Sam's face when the front door flies open and my blonde head pops inside. I still can't believe that my baby brother turned ten in August. Wow that puts it...11 years in the US. Gosh, has it really been that long since we last saw Dad? I wonder if he misses me even a tenth of how much I still miss him.

Anyway, they don't know that I'm comin' back today. After calling them yesterday mornin' about being home next week, I changed my mind after hearing the worry in Mama's voice. I could make it; I had time. But I was wrong. Problem after problem's stood in the way, from a mudslide in Philly to a cattle pile-up in Raleigh. I'm a startin' to feel like Odysseus in Homer's epic. And like Athena did for him, Mama's face kept guiding me home. It's like going off to war instead of collage.

A baby deer picked right then to run across the road and into my path. Hitting the break pedal to the floor, I barely skid past it. For the love of all things holly! Got to stay awake. Rummaging around in the passenger seat, I grab another energy drink and chug it, still driving. But can you really blame me? It's been a long night.


Seven am that same morning, I stopped in to the Dairy Queen in Smallville three towns up for one of those fancy ice-cream cakes that Sam's obsessed with. It was the kinda sat-on one at the back of the cooler nobody wanted. Well, it was all I could afford, but doesn't the thought count for something?

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