He stood there uncertain what to do. You felt bad, really bad about it. But you were sure that you could not step inside the cave no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself it'll be alright. The entrance looked like jaws that wanted to eat you.

You heard a thumping sound from the inside and took a few steps backwards. Atem must've heard it too since he put his hand on the hilt of his sword. The noise was louder and louder. Something inside was coming closer, with heavy snorting and wheezing.

Out of the cave fell a black horse with a resonant neigh. You felt as if your heart was about to burst out of your chest any moment. You breathed in relief, while Atem calmed down the horse.

"A horse?" he patted its mane.

"But what was it doing in that tunnel," you perked. Atem nodded. Mako wriggled on your shoulder. You scratched him under his chin.

"I've got no idea. Maybe somebody else is in there," he said. The horse neighed again and you fed him a carrot. "We should get going too. Take his reins."

You fidgeted in your place. For a moment you forgot about your problem, but it came back to hit you with the full force. You felt Atem's gaze on you.

"Come on," you blinked when he held out his hand for you. You looked confused at him. "Take my hand. I... I won't let anything happen to you. Okay?"

You hesitantly took his hand. The leathered glove was rough and worn. He squeezed your hand and walked into the cave. You tugged on the black horse's reins and walked behind him. The torch you had was small and fragile. You felt your heart beating faster. You breathed deeply when you walked through the stone tunnel. Pebbles gritted under your shoes, echoing further into the tunnel. The further you went the taller the walls became, so you didn't have to worry about hitting yourself on a protruding roots and the horses could go in their full height. You gulped and squeezed Atem's hand harder.

The ground shook and you screamed loudly. You crouched down and covered your ears with your hands. You felt tears welling in your eyes. You were afraid.

"No! I want to get out of here!"

"It's alright," the half-dragon crouched beside you. You only shook your head and trembled. You felt him hugging you. Minutes passed till you finally calmed down. "We really need to go, ______. Can you stand up?"

No, your mind said. You only nodded and stood up. You shivered when a sudden gust of wind blew right through you. You were trembling and wailing, when another earthquake came. This time it did some damage. From the way you came here you heard a horrible noise you remembered from months back. The tunnel was collapsing.

"Get on a horse!" Atem commanded and helped you. You waited as he got on Gurram's back and with a heart in your throat you galloped through the tunnel. You saw Mako flying in front of you till the torch fell on the floor and expired. You rushed the horse with a kick.

All you thought about was to get out of here. In total darkness you put your trust in the black horse. You prayed that it will get you out of here. A small voice inside your head told you to go faster, but how could you?

Your mind went blank when you felt another quake. You numbly squeezed the reins and looked ahead. Everything around you stopped to matter when you saw a source of light ahead. Just a little closer and you'll be alright. A little bit and maybe you won't die. Just a little...

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