"Yes big brother, she'll have us girls being there with her. Nobody is gonna mess with Mackenzie." Liv informed.

"Ok great. Let's go." I said.

"Alright, but take a car." Cole said.

"Bye." I gave him a quick kiss then followed Liv, Scarlet, Cristina, Stephanie outside. We all climbed into a black Range Rover speeding off through a little dirt path in the woods.

After five minutes, we had reached a main rode and drove down to the town and stopped at a mall I was way too familiar with.

I jumped out of the car and ran into the mall forgetting that I had four other vampires with me. I felt something grab my arm making me stop. I looked behind me to see Liv holding my arm.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Sorry, forgot that you guys were here. I was going to get something done." I informed her.

"And what's that?" She asked.

"To get a tattoo." I smirked.

I walked towards a tattoo parlor, which I always tried to go into, but Ryder would never let me.

I picked out a Hawaiian flower which was white on the outer of the flower but a vibrant yellow on the inner part. It was about 7 inches in diameter and put it right next to my hipbone.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"Looks good." Cristina said smiling. Scarlet smiled, but Stephanie just rolled her eyes. "You can leave Steph, you don't need to be here." Liv told.

"Yeah, but I saw some cute shoes and thought that I'd get them."

"Did you lovely ladies find what you wanted." The man who worked there asked.

"Actually it's just this lovely lady." I said showing him the flower I wanted.

"Well I'm gonna need to see some ID." The man said.

"Shit I don't have my ID with me." I whispered to Liv.

"Compel him, just believe exactly what your telling him. He'll believe it." Liv whispered back.

I looked at the man, directly in his eyes.

"You don't need to see my ID, just give me the damn tattoo." I ordered.

"I don't need to see your ID. Please, take a seat." The man said. I say down and showed him where I wanted it.

He put rubbing alcohol on the place where the tattoo was going to go and something else, that I didn't know the name of. He took put the outline on then began to put on the real thing.

"So tell me more about your family Liv."

"Well I happen to be the baby sister, sadly, Ash is 525 and he's the oldest, then Garret, Aaron, Cole, and Dylan. It really sucks being the youngest. I mean it probably sucks more for Ash since he's 525 years old and still hasn't found a mate yet." Liv explained.

"So is it true that you guys can only turn your mates?" I asked.

"Well obviously it isn't, since Cole turned Hunter, and I'm pretty sure my big brother isn't gay." Liv said slightly smiling. "We can turn anyone that we want, but we can't have millions of vampires running around the world, the council would kill us, well at least try to kill us. I've only turned Ian, and this one girl who I thought was my friend."

"Until you killed that back stabbing bitch." Cristina growled.

"What did she do?" I asked getting more interested in this conversation.

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