Heart Beat

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Only words can be pictured
but they are not seen
you say words my mind has captured
that you do not mean.

With action I say I love you
without the necessity of leaving
I asked if you love me and you nodded as if to say I do
but then comes the response that I am not believing.

Ignoring the words I speak you ended our relationship
my persuasion was weak as I tried
your sister was the only witness helping me to make your decision flip
seeing you see me, telling you to think about the choice in your mind

But your conscience cared less of the consequence
you lied to me not thinking of it
through your eyes you say your experience and words don't make Sense
so you remain in silence with no effort to pick

My decision meant nothing being frozen in your thoughts
sitting in the same position looking to space of no where
the time is traveling as the grain of sand drops
you're wandering in your mind to the floor you stare

I don't understand this
that you say what you don't show
as if to blow a kiss and not feel your lips
where is the love that I want to see and know?

Help me please that's what I plead
hold me tight I don't want to seperate
I say it again even though I hate to repeat
but you have gone so it is too late.

You walked away from me after the second chance
I had you closely around my arms
though you only came for a last glance
to say what cannot be returned even if it meant to break my heart.

The choice was yours knowing what would happen
you can't neglect that you don't care
say what you say I see the action
you thought it was a game of truth or dare.

All that was destroyed was valuable
everything I had stored indoors
was so much that it was uncontainable
expressed through my emotions I didn't need anything more.

It's all faded by now you just left like a heart beat
but you're gone out the surface and your love is still alive
forgeting about it is like freezing the soft heat
all that remains is a cold heart broken like shattered ice.

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