When it started

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You lived in the (y/l/n) Manor, always upset, exhausted, and lonely. Your mother was Lady (y/l/n) and your father had died before you were born. You never knew anything about him, everytime you brought him up your mother would begin crying. When she had composed herself enough she would be calm and quiet. When you messed up even in the slightest, tiniest bit your mother you have a fit and begin hurting you. You had no brothers or sisters, an only child to say in the least. Your mother had a money making industry and had business with a few people you knew. Lady Elizabeth being one of them. You two instantly became friends and ended up meeting together and just chatting with one another. She eventually told you about her new fianćee, Ciel Phantomhive. His name sounded so familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it. It took you a moment of concentration but you realized your mother had a deal with him In a few days and this time, you'd be going along with her. You made a soft 'O' with your mouth at the recognization.

After a little while longer your mother called upon you, telling you it was time to come home. You smiled softly at Lizzy and stood up, walking back home side by side with you mother. You walked through your Manor and to your bedroom. You undressed and unlaced your corset before putting on the sleeping gown. You lied in bed and stared at the ceiling pondering the nagging feeling in the back of your mind.

'It'll be gone tomorrow morning.'

You whispered to yourself in you mind. You rolled over, looking at the dark purple cutains resting on your window. Slowly your eyes became heavier, and soon you fell into a dreamless sleep, awaiting the rise of the yellow sun the next morning.

Timeless Love (Ceil x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now