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[Your POV]

As Claude called for me to leave fear began pumping thropugh my veins. My heart rate sped up dramatically, then Claude growled lowly.

He towered over me and I squeaked in fear. What punishment will he bestow upon me now? I almost lost myself and fell off the building's roof top.

I caught myself though as Claude walked away. I looked over my shoulder at Ciel and Sebastian, my eyes pleading, and begging for them to help me. For a few steps it was silent before Claude kicked my legs out from under me. I dropped to the ground, looking up into Claude's hazel green eyes.

"When I say its time to leave, its time to leave. Got it?" He harshly whispered.

I nodded out of complete fear, afraid of the things he would to to me if I disobeyed any more than I already had.

"Now. I need you to lure Ciel and Sebastian to a secluded area of sorts. Alois and I have...unfinished business with those two." Claude smirked and looked down at the green sword like weapon in the roof top. (Sorry, I can't remember what its called)

It angered me. He wanted to kill Ciel and Sebastian!? No. No no no I will not let that happen.

"No! And you can't make me!" I yelled at Claude.

His face contorted with anger and his eyes flashed a scarlet red. They boar into mine, instantly making me regret those words but I refused to take them back. I won't let him hurt Ciel. Not the one thing I actually live for.

Claude let out a deep growl of anger before yanking me up by my hair. His mouth smashed to mine and I tried to scramble away. Oh no! Not this anything but this! Claude pulled away and tied a cloth around my mouth, silencing me any further.

I didn't struggle, knowing that if I did, my punishment would be be ten times worse. He pushed me along and we made it to the Trancy manor. I ripped away the cloth and Claude picked me up. One arm under mg knees, the other around my back.

I kicked and tried to get from his grip but it was like iron. His grip was so strong that I was going to have brusies on my body for the next week!

"Claude please stop! It hurts!" I cried out.

"It's supposed to. How will you learn with I don't punish you when you disobey me?" He asked.

Tears trailed down my face as we entered "The torture room" as I like to call it. I was tied into a simple metal chair. Metal cuffs held my wrists and ankles in place as I tried to escape. It was no use. For the last four years I've been bound to this chair so many times that by know I should know what's comming and I should know I can't get out of it.

My already raw wrists from earlier punishments burned. It got hotter and hotter until the metal on my wrists and ankles were a molten lava color. I screamed and thrashed in pain, steam rising from my skin, and the soft sizzle of burning flesh.

The metal took a while to cool down, leaving my already raw red skin even redder and peeling. I panted in pain and looked up into Claude's eyes. He smiled down at me before he clicked the small red button I knew all to well.

An electric current ripped through my body and I screamed an ear splitting wail. I arched my back in pain as the electric shock became more and more violent. Claude placed his hands softly on my exposed arms after he had shut off the electric shock.

"Will you help me get rid of Ciel and Sebastian, now?" He asked.

I looked into his eyes, glaring.

"I won't ever...help you hurt mt Ciel." I whimpered in a small voice.

Claude growled darkly and squeezed my arms. I screamed in the sudden pain. His nails dug into my arms causing them to bleed. The pressure on my arms tightened harder and harder until I felt it. The bone had snapped. I threw my head back and cried out in pain.

A hand collided with my face and it was roughly thrown to the left. My eye throbbed and I knew by tomorrow morning i would have a black eye. Tears welled in my eyes as they trailed down my face. This was becoming to much to handle.

I was released from the chair after another hour of torture. All my exposed skin was blue and purple with brusies. My veins popped out and were yellow, green, or blue. It hurt to walk but I managed. I limped to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. I didn't bother to change my clothes, I just lied down on my bed, crying softly.

"Please Ciel...help me." I whispered before sinking into a horrifying nightmare.

[Sebastian's POV]

That son of a bitch! When did Claude and Alois find (Y/n)? What have they done to her? She was scared beyond anything I have ever seen. They did something to her, and ill make them pay. (ohhhh is Sebbi falling in love???)

"Sebastian. We leave for the Trancy manor at day break. I will not be haunted by the knowledge that she is out there and scared." Young master Ciel instructed.

"Yes my lord." I bowed and watched the young master as we walked to bed.

After a moment I walked to my bedroom as well. I lied on my bed and I couldn't help but think about what they must being doing to (Y/n). She seemed so afraid when Claude growled at her. And the bruises on her back and torso? As she climbed the wall her shirt hiked up and the injuries were visible.

What ever the reason they will pay. Ciel nor I will just stand by knowing you're hurt (Y/n).

I thought.

We'll save you tomorrow. Just hang on a bit longer.

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