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[Finnian's POV]

~Øňë węěkş Ťïmè~

A week has gone by and still no word of Miss (Y/n). Every night two of us would be out looking, calling for her to come back. The young master does not come from his bedroom or study for anything other than meals, and when he feels the need to search for Miss (Y/n).

Even if he does come out he rarely speaks. His answers are quite blunt. Short, and to the point. If we ask him if he's feeling alright he just says No. If we ask any further questions he either gets angry and storms off, or he just sits in silence, his jaw resting in the palm of his hand.

He doesn't make eye contact, he doesn't act like himself. I occasionally catch him in his study scolding himself. Yelling mean things like how he was the reason Miss (Y/n) left, that he was the reason she wasn't coming back. Once I caught him staring at the knife he held at dinner, he looked at it like he was going to use it on himself.

It scared me. I told Mey rin and Baldroy but they just shrugged it off. Young master must really love Miss (Y/n). It seems as if he lost the meaning of life when Miss (Y/n) left. He really misses her.

I walked down the hall thinking of any possible places Miss (Y/n) could be when I walked past young master's study. I heard screaming. Not screams of fear, or pain. Screams of frustration, and anger. I pressed my ear to the door and listened as young master yelled at himself.

"You useless moron! You had to find out she was real! You had to let her see your eye! You had to kiss her! You had to let her run off! You idiot! Because of you, no one here will see her again!" Young master yelled.

It was scary to see him like this. I walked away and down the hall to find Mey rin. She was dusting off a portrait of Young master. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to face me, a grim look shadowing her features.

"Mey rin? He's doing it again. He's in his study yelling at himself." I whispered.

"What is young master saying this time?" She asked.

Mey rin has caught him yelling and scolding himself before. So had Sebastian and Lady Elizabeth. Lady Elizabeth seems fine with the fact that she was no longer engaged to young master. All she cared about was getting Miss (Y/N) back safe and sound.

"He's saying that he had to meet her, that he had to show her his eye, that he just had to kiss her. He's saying that because of him no one here will see her again." I looked at the floor.

"Do you think she will come back? Miss (Y/n)?" I asked looking to Mey rin for an answer.

"She has to. She can't forget us. Especially Lady Elizabeth. She'll come back. I just kow it." Mey rin gave me a weak, not very reassuring smile

"I hope she comes back. I miss her." I mumbled, looking at the floor.

I hope Miss (y/n) is alright out there.

[Ciel's POV]

I slammed my fist onto the desk in my study. A salty clear liquid ran down my skin. My eyes stung and watered. I couldn't see clearly anymore as I cried.

Why did she have to leave? Why hasn't she come back? Where would she have gone off to? Will I ever see her again?

Questions raced through my mind of (Y/n). She was all j could think about and every time I thought of her I would begin screaming at myself. Calling myself a moron, and idiot. Calling my self useless, and saying I was cause of this problem. With every passing moment I didn't see (Y/n)'s face the pit in my stomach grew and grew. That fact that I couldn't find her no matter how hard I tried, was killing me. I needed her back.

I growled in anger and frustration before throwing all the papers, pens, and items on my desk off and onto the floor. I placed my palms flat on the now empty desk, the salty fluids dripping from mg eyes into the wooden desk. I looked into the mirror at looked at my marked eye. The one with my contract symbol in it. She gave it one look and turned.

She became a demon and I couldn't help but still love her.

I just want to hear her soft smooth voice. Listen to her beautiful laughter. I want to see those glowing eyes of hers. I wasn't to hold and kiss her one last time. I just want her back. More salty tears trailed down my face and onto the desk.

I stared at myself in the mirror. No matter how long it takes. No matter what I get myself into. No matter what price I have to pay, I will find you (Y/n). I'll fine you and bring you back to me.

I stood and walked to the mirror. Anger making lines in my facial features. My breathing became slightly heavier, and it exited my nose. The closer and closer I got the mirror the heavier and heavier my breathing got. Now I stood infront of the tall mirror.

"No matter what you do, (Y/n). Not matter where you go, or how hard your try to hide I am going to find you. And h won't stop until I find you or die trying. That I promise you, (Y/n)." Just as the study to my door opened to reveal a slighty concerned Sebastian, I smashed my fist into the mirror, right where my contract seal was.

The glass shattered, and the blood of my fist slowly trailed down the mirror. My fist dripped with blood as I just looked at my shattered reflection.

"I swear on my life (Y/n). I will get you back. That's a promise." I whispered before Sebastian took me go get my hand cleaned.

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