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[Sebastian's POV]

Lady Elizabeth was explaining how we could make Miss (Y/n) welcome here. She explained her likes a dislikes so we knew what to expect. We all listened carefully before I heard the young master call out to me in worry. I looked up to Miss
(Y/n)'s bedroom window and I quickly went inside. The others followed close behind, as I reached Miss (Y/n)'s door it was slightly ajar. I pushed it open to see my young master looking down on an unconscious Miss

I picked her up bridal style and lied her in the bed.

"My lord what happened?" I looked up and noticed his eye patch was carelessly thrown onto the floor.

I stared into his eye for a moment as the pieces clicked into place. My eyes widened ever so slightly, and I looked back down to the unconscious female lying on the bed.

"Young lord?" I asked, never taking my scarlet eyes off Miss (Y/n).

"Sebastian?" He echoed my name.

"Did you let her see the contract seal on your eye?"

"I-i did. W-what happened? Sebastian?"

I sat silent.

'This is why I've been getting such an odd aura off her? That can't be, she can't just...turn.'

My mind raced with questions but all of them went unanswered.

"Sebastian! Please tell us what's going on!" Young master Ciel yelled.

"I am not for certain, we will just have to wait until she wakes to see if my suspicions are correct." I stood, still looking at Miss (Y/n).

"What exactly are your suspicions?" Lady Elizabeth ask.

"I do not feel as if you, of all people, would like to know My Lady."

"If I did not wish it I would not have asked of it!" She argued.

"I feel as if with the glance she got of young master's contract seal on his eye she has...turned."

"What so you mean "turned", Sebastian?" Bladroy asked.

"She has turned into a demon."

A soft gasp was hear from Lady Elizabeth. Nothing else emmited from the staff or young master.

"I am not for certain but when she wakes I will be able to check and draw a complete conclusion. Until then, we wait." I turned and left the room, wondering how she did it.

'How did she turn Into a demon?'

[Finnian's POV]

'Miss (Y/n) is now a demon? But how?' I asked myself.

Lizzy placed a hand on Lord Phantomhive's shoulder as he stood stiff. I've been watching him closely since Miss (Y/n) and her horrid mother arrived. He seemed a bit brighter, more energetic, almost as if he was happy.

She may as well be his significant other.

"A demon?" Baldroy whipered and scratched the back of his head.

"But how would looking at Lord Phantomhive's eye turn her?" Mey rin whispered.

We all left the room as did Lord Phantomhive. Baldroy, Mey rin, and I snuck into the garden and spoke.

"That can't be right. How is it that she's a demon?" Bladroy asked.

"I don't know but she's not scary like Sebastian. I wonder how that works, looking at young masters contract seal and instantly turning Into a demon." I mumbled.

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