<€hapter Three<

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I didn't mention earlier but you, Lizzy and Ciel are around the age of 16 or 17. Sorry!!!

[Your POV]

A soft knock sounded at my door and I figured it was my mother. Much to my surprise it was a maid. Her royal blue maids outfit hugged her perfectly, and her berry colored hair was pulled up. Her glasses rested upon her nose and she smiled.

"U-um...Lord Phantomhive had requested I wake you and show you to Tue dining room. I-Is this alright with you, Miss (Y/n)?" The sweet maid asked.

"Its quite alright. And please, just call me (Y/n)." I smiled.

The maid walked in, a dress slung over her arms and my boots her hands. She retrieved my corset and helped me put it on before slipping the beautiful, berry red dress over my body. She stared at the brusies on my torso and back and the scars on my thighs but said nothing. She took a brush and began doing up my hair for me as well.

"If you don't mind, may I know your name? Don't belive we met yesterday." I asked, doing my best not to turn my head.

"I am Mey-Rin, the only maid here at Lord Phantomhive's Manor." Mey-rin answered.

"Is there anyone else here? Besides you and Sebastian?"

"Yes. We have Finnian the Gardner, and Bardroy the chef. Bard is quite a handful though." Mey-rin giggled, a smiled dancing over her features.

A moments more of silence and my hair was no longer being tugged at.

"There. Finished." Mey-rin said, a smile in her voice.

She grabbed a mirror and placed it infront of me. My (h/l) hair was pulled into a pony tail, and it looked like a waterfall of (h/c). Even though it was such a simple hair style it looked beautiful. I smiled brightly at Mey-rin.

"Its beautiful Mey-rin! I love it!" I giggled.

"It was nothing, (Y/n)" Mey-rin smiled once again.

"Now. Why don't I show you to the dining room? Breakfast is almost ready."

Mey-rin and I walked downstairs. As we stepped off the last step Mey-rin paused. I turned and looked back to see her staring at the floor.

"Mey-rin? Is something the matter?" I asked.

"Miss (Y/n)? It is none of my business but if you wish to tell I would like to know why you have all those brusies and scars." She whispered, never letting her eyes leave the floor.

I walked over th her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I will tell you, but promise me you won't tell anyone else. Not even Lord Phantomhive." I whispered.

"I swear on my life, Miss." Mey-rin looked into my eyes with intense emotion, shoing me she really means what she is saying.

"My mother...isn't the kindest woman."

Mey-rin gasped.

"The brusies are from horrid punishments I didn't deserve. The scars...were made by me." Now it was my turn to look to the floor.

A single tear trailed from my

"Miss (Y/n) you must tell someone! Tell Lady Elizabeth! She'll help you get away from her and be free!" Mey-rin suggested.

"I can't! Don't you see? If I tell someone I'll be worse than i was with her. And when she comes back I may not see the light of another day! I just have to wait until I can take charge." I explained.

"You must! Lady Elizabeth won't let anything happen to you, nor will I!"

"Nor will you what Mey-rin?" A blond boy said walking up to us.

Timeless Love (Ceil x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora