School Daze: Part 5

Start from the beginning

"Class, welcome our new students," their teacher said and Bruno felt like he was back in grade school. His family moved around a lot, so he was used to being the new kid, but one thing he hated was being put on display.

"Hey, where are you guys from?" a girl in the front row asked. She had her dark brown hair in two messy pigtails and she was chewing on some gum.

"All over," Bruno said.

"Why about you, Mister LeBeau?" the teacher asked.

"New Orleans," he said in his thick Cajun accent.

Some of the girls swooned hearing his voice. None of the guys were impressed and neither was the teacher.

Homeroom didn't last long and the bell soon rang, and it was time for their next class. Bruno and Remy had chemistry for their next class and were the first to shoot up from their seats and escape the flock of adoring female fans.

They almost got away when they were stopped by three boys all wearing Letterman jackets. How pathetic that they were being cornered by jocks. Bruno wanted to laugh.

"Hey, you two think your so cool," one of them said.

"No, but your girl does," Bruno said and chuckled.

"Stay away from my girlfriend if you know what's good for you," the boy said. "Just remember, we run this school and we will take you out."

That's past tense," Bruno said, not taking the threat seriously. "Did run this school," he corrected, which angered the boy who had made the threat. "Now, get out of our faces if you want to keep that pretty one you got."

"This is just a warning," He guy said and took off down the hall with his buddies.

Bruno shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Jocks are pathetic," he said as they walked to their next class.

"Yeah, like assassins," Remy said and Bruno laughed.

The rest of the morning was long and tedious with one boring class after another. The only class that Bruno was remotely interested in was shop class that that was at the end of the day.

He and Tara didn't have any classes together and the only time they were really going to get to see each other was during lunch. Bruno had no idea what kind of food this school had, but he was willing to try it for the first day. If it sucked like he suspected it would, then he would bag it from now on.

Remy thought the same thing when they went through the line and was given something that resembled meatloaf. Tara and Kitty were sitting at a table near the wall and signaled for the boys to come and join them.

"Hey, guys," Kitty said as Bruno sat down next to Tara. Remy sat on the opposite side. "So, how's the first day going?"

"Pretty boring," Bruno said, then thought of their confrontation earlier. "On the bright side, we were threatened by some loser jocks "

"What did you do?" Tara asked, taking her attention away from her food.

"Nothing.... yet," he said and Tara shook her head.

"Keep it that way," she said and took a sip of her soda.

Just then a group of boys passed them, ones Kitty recognized. "Oh great, the Loserhood boys are here."

"Who?" Bruno asked, and Remy looked over to see a heavy-set kid with a green pigment to his skin and two others, one with silvery hair and another he noticed that Kitty was staring at.

"Dey like us?" Remy asked.

"Yeah, I guess, but they're on the dark icky side," Kitty said, but she was still staring at the brown-haired boy.

Remy looked on to make sure they didn't start any trouble, but it looked like that they were just interested in lunch. They sat down at the table on the far end of the cafeteria ad noticed There was a girl among them, one that looked all too familiar.

From this distance, he couldn't tell who the girl was, but he was determined to get a closer look. "Be right back," he said and got up and swiftly walked over to their table. His strides became slow as he got closer to the girl. Her back was turned so he couldn't see her that well.

He took a chance and called out her name. "Rogue."

She turned and said, "Yeah what?" She turned to him, and then he saw her face clearly for the first time.

His mouth dropped open when he looked upon her face. It was a face he knew all too well, these same green eyes which was in his opinion her best feature. Her two-toned hair that made her stand out in any crowd, and that angelic face and lips he longed to kiss.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

Remy was confused why she was looking at him like he was some kind of stranger. "Rogue, it's me. Remy."

Still she looked confused. "Look, ah'm new here an' don't wanna be hassled."

"You don' remember me, do you?" he asked and still she had a blank look on her face.

"Ah ain't never seen ya before in my life," she said with a scowl on her face. It both hurt and confused Remy. "Would ya please leave me alone?"

"Yeah," the big guy said and picked up a wooden tray and crumpled it to pieces. "Rogue's my friend, and I protect my friends. Got it."

He wanted to blast this guy with a charged card, but he dared not in a room full of people, especially one filled with normal humans.

"Alright, but I'll be seeing you around, Rogue," he said and walked off. He heard snide comments coming from the boys she was with. In truth, he was jealous that she was around those boys and didn't even recognize him.

He was walking back to the table when he ran into Bruno. "What's going on, man?"

"It's Rogue," Remy whispered.

"Are you kidding me?" Bruno asked and looked over towards the Brotherhood's table. "It does look like her."

"Dat's because it is, but she don' remember me. Dat blue bitch musta done somethin' to her."

"Hey, we'll figure it out but not in front of the girls," he said and led him back over to the table.

Remy tried to put it out of his mind, but it was hard having her so close and yet so far away.

That's to end of another chapter. Remy and Bruno get a little help from a fellow X-Man to help Rogue. Who will it be, and will it work? Be here next time to find out.

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