"Is it bad that I want something with her when I just got dumped last night?" I asked as I looked at the guys.

"Dude no offense but your relationship with Madison was over a long time ago..." Cameron said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, you've got a point..."

Carter hit the back of my neck as he said, "so don't sweat it dude, if you're into Ava then take things slow but go for it!"

Ava started walking towards us with a whole bunch of clothes.

"Take things slow with her man," Matt said as he walked to Ava to help her out.

"Alright you guys pick some stuff & go try some on!"

The guys walked towards her & got clothes from her hands. They then ran off to try the clothes on.

"I guess that leaves you with these," she laughed.

"I guess it does," I took the clothes from her hands & put my arm around her then kissed her cheek.

"What was that for?" She looked up at me & smiled.

"For helping me with the whole Madison situation, I'm glad you were their for me & the one to help me, I really appreciate it." I smiled looking down at her.

She got on her tippy toes & kissed my jaw line, "I'm really glad I could be the one to help." I looked down at her but I held my urged of wanting to kiss her because I have to take things slow.

"Well let's get you in those clothes shall we?"

"We shall!" We walked towards the changing rooms.


•Ava's POV•

Jack is honestly amazing, who wouldn't wish for a guy like him? But for him to like a simple girl like me, I don't think that would ever happen.

"Alright go try them on!" I told Jack as we got closer to the changing rooms.

"Okay, I'll be back to get your thoughts on this!" He laughed.

The other guys were already dressed, & honestly if I saw them walking down the streets with these clothes I wouldn't have taken a second look!

"What do you think?!" The guys asked.

"Perfect! Now I'm going to have to work my make up magic later to make sure people won't recognize y'all"

"Woah woah woah! Make up?! We gotta wear makeup?!" Nash said.

"Yes! Just a bit though don't worry!"

"As long as it's not pounds of it!" Cameron said touching his face.

"It won't be! I swear" I laughed.

Jack came out & walked towards me as he turned around, "so how do I look?"

"Perfect as always!" I laughed.

"Not as perfect as you!" He smiled.

"Stop," I laughed.

"Now let's go pay for this & finish the rest of this transformation!"

"Woah! You are not paying for all of this!" Matt stopped me.

"Matt chill, it's a thrift store it would be no more than $20!" I laughed.

"So? You still aren't paying," Jack said as I set the clothes down for check out.

"Really it's fine, it's only about $20!" I took out my card to pay for it when Jack took it away.

"Nope not happening." Jack gave his card to the lady that was checking us out.

"You guys are ridiculous, it's not like it's a lot of money."

"You still aren't supposed to pay for it, you're the girl here!" Cameron said.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes as we walked out.

"Good thing I already bought accessories," I laughed as I pulled them out of my purse.

"Damn it Ava!" Matt said as the guys laughed.

"Okay so I got some shades & some fake glasses y'all get from there as I start on some of you with a bit of make up!"

The guys rolled their eye at the thought of makeup being put on them.


Finding The One ✦ Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now