Chapter One

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Chapter One: Gotta Start Somewhere

"Hurry up. I need ya to get your ticket out, or I'll have to turn ya over to the armsmen."

Samari glanced up at the attendant, her hands digging through her bag. The man seemed hasty to get on with his search of the ship, most likely annoyed from having to check every passenger's ticket. It was standard procedure when there was suspicion of a stowaway on board, but now, it was giving Samari trouble.

"I do–do have a, uh...a ticket, j–just give me...some...time to find it!" Her voice failed her as the Aquian stepped closer.

"Or maybe you're the stowaway trying to buy some time," he growled.

In one swoop, he yanked her to her feet. She struggled in his grip. He pulled her bag out of her reach, holding her tighter.

"No! Stop– hey! Th–that’s mine!"

That stupid stowaway! I'll never be able to get a job in Fryco if I'm in prison for illegal passage, she thought, cursing as she fought for her bag.

"Shut up, Rocker! The captain will decide what to do with you!" the man sneered. 

Oh, he doesn’t like foreigners.

Panic filled her mind as someone grabbed her arm. The attendant and Samari’s eyes landed on an unusually tall woman.

Pulling Samari away, she grabbed the bag and shoved the man back. "That is no way to treat a passenger on this ship," she scolded. "I have half a mind to report you to the armsmen for assault and racial discrimination against an innocent woman!"

Fear flashed over the attendant's face, swirling into anger. "And what do ya have here, getting in the way of my work? She's the criminal here!"

"Except she's a passenger who bought a ticket. I saw her show it to the clerk when we departed," she pointed out, her voice displaying her growing agitation.

Holding out the bag, she turned to Samari. "You were reading earlier, right? Check your book."

Samari blinked rapidly, remembering her journal. Taking her bag, she opened it and shuffled around the contents. Out came the string-tied book. She flipped through it until a slip of paper drifted to the ground.

The woman picked it up, handing it to the attendant for him to inspect. "There's her ticket. Now move along before you really get yourself in trouble," she finished, her voice taut.

Reluctantly, the man handed it back to Samari. He plastered a fake smile on his face and said, "Sorry for the trouble. Have a nice trip." He stepped around them to check the next passenger.

Samari didn't look back at him to see if he actually left. She dropped to the ground, heaving a deep sigh. The woman knelt beside her, assisting her in gathering the items that fell from her bag during the tussle.

"Th–thank you, uhm, f–for," Samari stated, her eyes focused on the floor.

The woman shook her head. "You shouldn't have to deal with things like that, just because of your tribe. People are becoming more ridiculous these days with their excuses to bully others."

She stood to her feet, offering Samari a hand. Hesitantly, the girl took it.

"Well, n–not for you," she remarked.

She looked at the woman's face, taking in her appearance for the first time. Samari was easily able to tell her tribe, despite her not being distinctive. Along her skin was a distinctive series of bumps in lines and dots, spread out in a set pattern.

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