Extreme Rules 2013

Start from the beginning

"John's got that match in the bag. There's no way Ryback is winning." I say, as I start getting ready for the show.

After they show one of the Extreme moments voted on by the fans, that's when they start getting into The Shield. First they talk about Seth and Roman's match, Wade going for them to win the Tag Titles, and Mick doesn't really give an answer. Then they go into Dean vs Kofi for the United States Championship. Wade firmly believes that Dean is going to win the match and so does Mick.

"Oh good, they're all going for all three of them to come out with gold." I grin.

"Can't wait to see what they'll say about our match."

That's exactly what they get into next, talking about how I won that Divas battle royal to become the number one contender and how it's going to be my first Championship match in my career. The predictions are kind of split between me and Kaitlyn, but that'll be up to the match to determine if their predictions come true. The next match they talk about is Brock vs Triple H, showing the video package for that match buildup. But it was now time for the pre-show match, where Cody faces off against Mike, Cody coming out first. Mike comes out next of course. Once they both were ready, the bell rang and they circle and lock up. Mike grabs him from behind and Cody trips him, before going into the ropes and Mike drops to the mat, and then drops Cody, before rolling Cody up for the pin, but he gets out of it, and the goes into a backslide and Cody kicks out. Cody takes control of the match and throws Mike into the corner, only for Mike to counter and clothesline him. He then goes to kick him in the face, but Cody counters and he drops Mike onto the top rope. After kicking him between the legs, in the midsection, he goes for the cover, Mike kicks out. He drops him and covers him, Mike kicking out. Cody then locks his legs and feet around Mike on the mat and with the crowd, Mike gets to his feet and out of the hold, only to be pulled by the hair and dropped back. He goes for the cover, Mike kicks out. He then stomps on Mike's midsection repeatedly, before taunting and then gets into the ropes. Mike trips and he goes down again. Cody gets him in a painful submission hold, Mike getting to his feet and gets out of the hold, rolling Cody up for the pin, but he kicks out. Cody then knocks him down and goes for the cover, but it's no use. Again with the feet and legs locked around Mike on the mat, and Mike gets out of it again and to his feet. Mike goes up and over and counters with an elbow and starts to get the momentum back.

He goes for the corner clothesline, but Cody moves and then Mike slides under the bottom rope and rolls him up for the pin, Cody kicking out. Mike then goes for the backbreaker, neckbreaker combo, but Cody counters into the Cross Rhodes, which Mike counters with knees to the face, cause Cody to let him go. Mike then drops him and goes for the Figure Four, but Cody counters and gets Mike in for the Cross Rhodes again. Mike counters again and flips him, running at Cody in the corner, only for him to kick him away. Cody climbs to the top and goes for a dropkick, but Mike catches him and puts him in the Figure Four, causing Cody to tap out.

"Yayy." I cheer, a grin on my face.

It was getting down to about 4 minutes until the show starts officially and they do some last minute predictions as the commentary team comes out for the show.

"Listen to those boos for Cole." I laugh.

"So do you know when Dean's match is? Aren't you gonna see him beforehand?"

"Of course I am. And thanks for reminding me, I didn't even ask him. I'll be back okay?" I ask, grabbing my phone and heading out of the locker room.

"Alright." Kaitlyn calls after me, as the show begins.

I walk around the backstage area, asking if anyone has seen Dean, Seth and Roman. Thankfully someone knew where they were and I headed there.

"Hey." I greet them, of course kissing Dean quick. "Meant to ask when your matches are."

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