Chapter 26 ❤️

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"I promise," Cam said, sticking up his pinky finger. I chuckled slightly before locking mine with his. "Ok now that we have that settled... Shall we?" Cam jumped back into the boat before holding out his arm for me.

I looked down and a familiar image came to mind. I saw one of my favorite Disney movies played before me: Aladdin. I was Princess Jasmine (except blonde) and Cam was my oh-so charming Aladdin, who was asking me to trust him. Now I know how Jasmine felt when Aladdin offered her a magic carpet ride: terrified.

Deciding to be brave, I walk up to the edge of the docks and put my arms out for help from Cam. Placing his hands on my hips, Cameron lifts me into the boat and I immediately sit down inside.

"Why a boat?" I inquire, clutching onto the bench I was sitting on. The question being something similar to someone asking/crying out: Why God!

Cam sat down across from me and pulled out the paddle from the bottom of the boat. "I thought it would be romantic, but obviously I didn't think you were afraid of boats or else I probably would've chosen something better," he chuckles.

I nod. I see how he could assume that and it is a nice sounding idea on paper. Too bad I'm beyond terrified right now! I have no idea how Rachel McAdams kept her cool when she shot that boat scene in The Notebook. "Yeah sorry about that," I bite onto my bottom lip. The boat rocks and I feel my grip tighten. I bet I was making nail marks in the bottom of the bench because I was holding onto it so hard. "Where did you get the boat?" I ask, worried about who's boat I was basically defacing.

"It's the camps," he replies.

The camps? "How did you get Rob to let you borrow this?"

Cam shrugged. "I didn't ask," and with that he began paddling.

I looked back to the dock, wondering if I could jump back onto it, but it was too far. "What do you mean you didn't ask to borrow it!" I exclaim. We are gonna be in so much trouble now that neither of us were on Rob's good side.

"I mean I didn't ask for it," he paddled on as if it was nothing. My eyes were as wide as they could go solely focused on Cam.

"Why aren't you worried right now?" I shake my head.

"It's not a big deal," he smiles, knowing I'm getting really worked up about this.

"What if he we get caught?"

"Rob won't do anything," he cooly answers and I don't understand. Don't his friends go on about how they can't do half the things the other group does because they will be in trouble? "He threatens us, but we never actually get in trouble. We just don't try to push him as much as Jackie does," Cam answers, reading my mind.

"But if you know you can get away with it then why don't you?"

Cam sighs. "Because that was more the other group's thing. They always partied and did all the really fun crazy stuff and yeah we were right there next to them, but without that push we don't act on it as much. We have parties here and there, but it's not the same without them." Cam turned his face away from me as he paddled and I decided not to ask any more questions for a while.

Although he tried to hide his face, I caught a glimpse of pain take over his countenance for a second and that was all I needed. I wasn't going to push him, so I stayed quiet.

And for those many many many minutes that I didn't speak, I realized that I didn't really mind the silence. It was so peaceful out here that I was kinda glad I had an excuse to not make conversation. The sound of birds chirping and a summer breeze rustling leaves and the warm comforting burn of the sun was something people dreamed of, and I was sure I would forever dream of it too.

The Counselors - Youtubers/Magcon FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz