"Don't know either." He answered and shrugged. "Just wanting to spend time with you because I was bored and you were too since you texted me first."

"Very true." I said and we laughed. "No but like, I didn't text you back because I was bored. I texted you because I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" He asked, looking at me as we stopped, two kids running in front of us quickly.

"Anything, everything. Tell me about yourself, your family, whatever. I don't know you very well." I said and he laughed as he nodded.

"Okay then, um, my name is chicka chicka Slim Shady-"

"Oh god, stop." I said and we both laughed. "You need to stop and take a step away." I told him and he nodded.

"No but uh I'm not very interesting. My name is Jacob Minot and I'm sixteen. I have a late night shift as a cashier at some little diner and I go to the same school as you. My favorite color is bright red and I may or may not have a slight addiction to cigarettes." He said with a shrug.

"You smoke?" I asked him shocked and he nodded. "You work too?" I asked again and he nodded again.

"Yeah, it's a bit stressful but I can handle it. I'm a man." He said and I frowned. "A man's gotta handle it, right? No tears, no complaints, no slacking off."

"No, you're human and it's normal to complain and to cry and to be very stressed." I told him and smiled smally. "Men can cry too. It's okay to feel things."

"Yeah..." He trailed off and then shook his head, smiling at me. "Tell me about yourself little miss galaxy." He said and I laughed.

"Well, I'm Katelyn May Clifford and I'm fourteen. Some colors that I really like are lavender and pastel pink. I go to a private school with you and I don't do anything extra curricular or any jobs. I love the rain and storms and I may or may not have an addiction to Starbucks." I said and nodded.

"So, if I end up upsetting you, I can buy you a cup of Starbucks and some lavender shirt and it's all good?" He asked me and I rose an eyebrow at him. "For future reference."

"You can't just buy me. I mean, I would take it, but I'd still be upset." I said and he nodded.

Suddenly, there was a wolf whistle and I looked around. It's not very polite to whistle at someone because like, what if they don't like being treated like a dog?

"Looking pretty fine there young lady, why don't you bend over and let me see what's under that skirt?" I heard a boy yell and I saw a few guys hanging out by the skateramp. They were looking at me and it made me feel uncomfortable, especially since they looked like seventeen.

Yeah, she definitely doesn't like being treated like a dog and looked at like a meal. It's not very comfortable and pleasing.

"Hey, why don't you bend over and let me kick your pathetic little ass?" Jacob yelled and I looked down as I pulled my skirt down a bit. "I'll hit you with your own skateboard you little dick, keep your comments to yourself."

"Jacob," I said and he looked at me. "Don't do it. Just, no violence okay? I don't like violence and I'd hate to see you get into a fight." I told him.

"Fine, I'll stay here." He said and nodded. We continued walked and he shrugged his leather jacket off. "Put this on." He said and I looked at it.

"Okay." I said and took it from him. I put it on and then smiled. "How do I look? Do I look all punk rock and badass like you?" I asked and he laughed.

"Extremely." He said and nodded as I laughed a bit myself. "I'm sorry about them, you don't deserve that. Honestly, you're still a little girl, kind of, it's not right. In general, cat calling is not right." He said and I nodded.

"It's okay to call me a little girl, I know I am. I act like I'm six sometimes so I understand. I mean, I can do things by myself and should be entitled to some freedom and stuff, but when it comes down to it, I'm still a kid." I told him and he nodded.

"You're bright for your age. You sound so mature and so grown up." He said and I laughed.

"I can act mature when I want." I pouted and he nodded. "I've been told that I'm a bit more mature and stuff so I know. It freaks people out."

"Yeah because who wants to grow up? Who wants to get a job and pay taxes and do bills and wear pearls and suits and ew." He said and we both laughed.

"I don't want to grow up, I just, don't want to sound uneducated and ignorant." I said simply. "I enjoy being young and tiny and stuff." I said happily as I skipped ahead, doing a few twirls and stuff.

He laughed at me and then set a hand on my shoulder as the world was a spinning, dizzy mess of greens, browns, blues, and whites. "You okay there?"

"I did one too many twirls." I giggled and he laughed. "The world is spinning."

"The world is always spinning love, if it stopped, we'd all be frozen, or we'd die. I dunno how it works, science isn't my strong point." He told me and I nodded.

I looked at him and he was looking right at me. "I'm good at science. I love science, especially astronomy. I can help you." I said. "As long as you can help in english, sometimes it confuses me because of all the long names for figurative language." I told him.

"Really? English is easy. It's the only class that I can pass." He told me and laughed as we began to walk again. "Sadly, passing one class does not mean you're going to pass that grade."

"It's okay. You'll pass this year. I'll help you pass. I'm good at all of them besides music and algebra." I said and he nodded. "Algebra is confusing and I suck at instruments."

"Sounds like a plan." He told me and chuckled. He checked his watch and then swore. "I have to go. My shift starts in like an hour and I still have to shower."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." I said and smiled. He gave me a side hug and I chuckled.

"I'll see you tomorrow love. Do you need me to walk you home? I don't want anyone catcalling you again or something worse happen." He told me and I shook my head.

"You need to get to work so you can get paid however much you get paid. It's fine." I said and he nodded. "Bye Jacob."

"Bye Katelyn." He said and then walked away. I giggled to myself and then began to make my way back to Luke and Michael's house.

I hummed lightly to myself and then someone was pulling me against me. "Where's your boyfriend princess?" Some guy said and I wiggled in his grip.

"He's not my boyfriend." I said but that was probably a bad thing to say. He hummed and pressed his lips against my neck, sucking and biting on my skin. "If you don't get off eight now, I'll uh hurt you."

"Go on and try." He said and I stomped on his foot. He let go of me and then I pulled my fist back, immediately slamming it against his jaw.

"Don't fucking touch me again!" I said and then ran away, pulling the leather jacket around me some more as tears filled my eyes a bit.

Oh yeah... the leather jacket...


Question of the chapter:

What do you think the guys will say when they see the leather jacket?

Author's answer:

I think I should leave this to you guys to guess c;

Reader's answer:


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