Chapter Eight: Enter the Hebi leader.

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     "Heime, come!"

     Himeko made her way toward the birthday guy.

    "Happy Birthday, my dear," she gave air kisses on both of his fat cheek. Piggy, eyes leered over her figure, "My Pleasure, love."

     The kimono she wore is seeing through on her shoulders, silk linen shroud around her body. Hugging her curves, porcelain skin sparkled under the chandelier light. Turning around an emerald snake curled itself around her neck, head hissing in contempt. 

     "Oh, I forgot! I brought gifts! Heime!" A silver bell tinkled as a raven haired girl timidly walked behind her mistress.

     In a voice as soft as spun silk she answered, "Yes, Mistress?"

     A giant bowl covered in a black cloak followed her. Think of a giant fish bowl trimmed in gold and shinning pearls around the curve of the bowl. 

     The giant bowl shook, and shuddered.

    "Quite!" Himeko removed a small silver device from her sleeves and clicked the button. Snake curled around her long fingers, nails reptilian green. A scream suddenly erupted from the bowl. Turning her head in irritation, she snapped at Heime. “Get it away from me!” The bowl was wheeled away, servant scurrying behind it their head bowed low.

      Leaning so I can see Locke’s face, grim and eyes hard, “Be careful.”

     Giving an easy smile, he made his way toward the *Hebi leader. “Himeko, love, how are you?” A flicker of alarm, appeared on her face, for only a few second but enough. Bending low, he held her hands to his lips and kissed her hand. The fat body beside her glared.

     A laugh tinkled the air, amused at the current situation. “Well, well dear you sure know how to surprise me.” I smirked, knowing exactly why she’s reacting this way. Amusing and pathetic at best. I have seen Locke before, now that I really think about it. I just never really paid so much attention before. Raising himself he leaned in close and whispered in her ear. Seductive and such a smart move to make. Her shoulder relaxed, both snake and master, sighed. Delight appeared on her face, “Of course, I’ll remember that.”

     Not so subtly, the master of the party cut in front of the couple. The fat man announced peeved, “Dear, the auction is about to start, we should be going.”

     Again aiming a glare to Locke’s direction, who only grinned in return. The crown slowly disperse and started to head toward the action house. Locke made his way toward me a bemused expression on his face. Irritation most have flickered on mine because he broke into a bigger grin. “I’m back. Did you feel lonely?”

     “Screw you,” I muttered darkly.

     He laughed effortlessly and bowed, “Shall we, my lady?”


Hey! Nami here! Wow, I wonder what's in that bowl. Hmmmm. Well does anybody else think Locke is really hot? Lol you and me both! Ok right, so Hebi leader right? Hebi in japanese is snake. So it means the "Snake leader." I also wonder what's going on between the Hebi leader and Locke. Ooooohhh.~ GTG! TTYL!

Bye, luv.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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