Chapter Five: Pyscho Gang...Geez.

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     “Let, me get this straight…the person who hired you, tried to kill you?”

      “Yes, god for a person who have an IQ of 137 you sure are dumb, huh?” Hye Su, remarked from her perch on top of a beam, it turns out that chick has some weird habit to high places. I hope she falls off a building; apparently I’m not so lucky. Alex, flashed her a grin, “So, you have been listening to my intros!”

      Wait, what? “Gee, stalker much?” She rolled her eyes, and continued to eat her apple. Hope, she choke on that. A sigh, came from the corner of the room that would be the ever optimistic Kaira. The whole, place was one of those flat that does not have any walls at all, light, brown, hard wood panels on the floor. Huge floor, to ceiling windows, cover an entire length of the place. Letting sunlight stream, and the occasional dust floats from place to place, a couch sits in the middle of the room, it’s full of colorful pillows thrown hazardly at the furniture. Which, the kids currently occupy. Sound asleep. Wait, Ame back up you say? How, in the world did I end up with the psycho gang, you ask?

      Ok, so let me just summarized the gist of it…You’re not missing out on much, I swear. After, the eerie car tornado ended, we found ourselves surrounded by *eliminator. Which, are robots created by Pet incorporated. Something, about nothing more perfect than a robot, or some shit like that. Long, story short, I ended up punching Hye Su in the face. Ah, that moment was soo worth it. The two, group argued which each other, lots of name calling, mostly, coming from me. Yeah, I’m that mature. So, what we learned was, yes, they were hired by the Simonnetts, and the Simonnetts was also the ones to send the eliminator. To uhmm, “eliminate” the two groups. Abided, Simon has to be kept alive. What, the rich bastard did not count on was, that you, don’t double cross the psycho group and get away with it. I like the ring of it…going to be calling them that from now on~ I would, like to say that I had my share of kicking metal butt and all, but yeah…In, two minute flats all a hundred eliminators were in varied state of destruction. It was mostly Kaira, who did the most damage…remind me not to own her money…

      So, at the end of the fight, I would have hightailed it out of there except, I was not alone. Locke, came up to me and said, “Hey, if you’re thinking of going back to your place, well it’s under surveillance. That, was kinda the reason, we know you were going to be here tonight in the first place.” He gave me an angelic, smile. I kicked him in the nuts, (I hope I don’t damage anything, permanently.>.>) So, Hye Su, went nuts, and I ended up punching her too. :D

      And, that my reader is how we ended up crashing with the psycho crew, something about, I quote, “The enemy of your enemy is a friend.” A profound sentence by Locke. Locke, and Maria .Yesh, my dear Maria, both just left to find out what’s going on. Locke, can go because, and yes I was right, he is the leader of the gang, and Maria because she’s human. So, that left the children, Hye Su (Who hates me.) Kaira (The pessimist) Kai (Hitting on me, every two second.) and my lovely stalker, Alex. Lovely.

     Sitting, on a window sill I ask, “So, what is the deal with you guys?” They all gave each other, a sideway look. Rolling, my eyes, and stretching calmly, I said. “I’m living in your headquarter, I know your name, I know your faces and you’re not going to tell me what you do for a living?”

      “Aren’t you a curious one?” Locke, asked from the door way, heading to the kitchen to the left. Maria, right behind him, looks windblown.

     “I want pay back, and the Simonnetts hanged.” Kaira said suddenly. Everyone turned to look at her. Long fingers rake her hair, she replied, “I already brought a rope.”

      Shrugging, I turned back to Locke, “What did you find out?”

      Grinning, a glim appeared, in his light green eyes, it also sparkled from the way sunlight hits it, he replied, “Kaira, I think your wish will be coming true.”

      I have a bad feeling about this.


     Heeey, Nami here! LOl, my favorite part was when Kaira said “I already brought a rope.” Sadly hanging, has not been in fashion for about a hundred years now. That’s, such a shame…Let, me say that the psycho group (Hey, that name is sticking.) are not really bad guys, but there is little information to be found about them. Which is the reason why Ame-chan is staying on her toes. During the battle, Vi, who turned out to be a healer. Helped healed Maria and Hye Su (A purple shiner, does not look good to her complexion or something…) Yay, eliminator has shown up! Uhmm, bad for the characters, but interesting for a good plot development. Btw, the motto Pet inc. have is “Building the perfect future.” Hence, the robots. I see many problems from that phrase…>.> I can’t wait for the next chapter!


Ametrix and the Pet Project (Unedited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang