Chapter Seven: Don't summon me.

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Locke’s POV

     Hmm, she has been ignoring me the whole time. A silent smile appeared on my face. Maybe it was the-? Turning away from her, I stifled a chuckle. I can’t believe the great Ametrix can fall for something like that. The idea of seeing her face, showing such emotions, trilled me to the core. No, not like that you sickos reading this. What I mean is- OH, you’ll know soon enough.

     Anyway, I should really focus. Inspecting the crowd, I recognized the people mingling.  The crew and I worked for quite a few of them. Dictators who deal in the black market, selling unspeakable, spotting a few old lady’s leaning on young pets, I know the type immediately, blood thirsty cougars. Few gave me interested looks, I gave them a devilish smile in return after all I’m available. I spotted something in the corner that makes my blood run cold. Long fingers curled and beckon me. I glanced down at Ame. She’s busy scanning the crowd. The champagne glass is clutched so tightly around the stem, it trembled. Moving closer, I grasp her shaking hand in mine. Leaning in, my lips to her ear, I murmured, “What’s wrong?” If she didn’t look so petrified, I would have enjoyed the way she would always shy away from my touch. Yes, that is right. I said “shy”.

     Cool, silver eyes glance at me. Small specks of violet reflect the lights from the massive chandeliers above. “Nothing,” she smiled, “I think your being summoned.” Eye brow raised, her gaze is directed behind me. She moved away from me, ever so slightly.  Suppressing a sigh, I turned around. The same long finger wagged, and made the universal sign for “Come”. Fuck. The person behind this is going to have more than a piece of my mind.

     Reluctantly, I made my way toward the figure. Dark shimmering curtains shroud a small opening. The entrance way is guarded by *guard pets. Keeping my face impassive, I slip into the dark corridor. The sound of music and laugher can still be heard inside the corridor. The place is lite only by *crystallites hung at interval. A figure is leaning on a wall; long legs peaked out of the shadows. “Did I interrupt anything?” A female voice, seductive and light.

     I glanced at her. “Sheesh Locke, you know I wouldn’t call you if she didn’t need you.” I gave her a once over. My eyes lingering on her dress, self-conscious fingers tugged at the low cut hem.

     “Take me to her”, I replied. The whole body now fully emerges out of the shadows, dark black hair tied in a neat bun. “It would seem, she didn’t kick that habit out of you yet.”

     Eye brow furrowed, and her mouth tugged in a frown. Expressions, only expressed so far, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m perfectly happy with my…new fashion sense.”

     I smirked, “Sure.”

   Blushing slightly, she moved quickly toward her leader’s room. We pasted countless doors, some made out of wood such as oak and others made out of stainless steels.

     “Here it is”, nervously she twist the gold engraved knob. The door swung open soundlessly, the scent of jasmine linger the air. My escort bowed her head low and said,” Mistress, his is here.”

     “Fine. Fine. You can leave us.”

    The door closed behind me, before I can get my bearing. I was immediately knocked to the ground. I laughed, “Seeun, I missed you too.” Light gray eyes blinked at me, easing my sister off me. I said,” Since when do you attend these events?”

     Crossing her arms, she replied,” I don’t. I heard you were coming to this one.” I cursed.

     “Who else knows about this?”

     Shaking her head, “Nobody else, I only know because I’m your sister, and it’s my job to protect you.”

     “First off, you are my younger sister. Secondly, I can take care of myself.” She pouted, and blinked twice.

     “Locke, I saw you with a girl. Who is she?”

     My lips curled on one side, Ame. Spotting the smile on my lips she leaned in close, “Well? Tell me. If you’re not going to, then I guess I would ha--. “

     My expression turned serious. “Seeun, what are you really doing here? What business would the *Cho leader come to some rich guy’s birthday?”

     A wicked grin split her face, “I heard something fun is happening tonight.”


     Nami here again~ Locke has a sister?! Omg! So right, uhmm *guard pets was it?  So a guard pet is basically a pet created for the purpose of being a guard. Features to recognize a guard pet.

1.     They don’t have the tall lanky figures pets usually have.

2.    They have no facial features. So it’s an empty face, meaning they don’t have any “human” features. These are the really freaky pets.

     Locke mentioned *Cho leader. Cho means butterfly in Japanese. The pet society is pretty complex, as you may have noticed not every pet is subjected to a human master. Some have free will and such. Good for them! Some pets belong to a particular “Guild”. These Guild leaders make alliances with the humans. I have to say, the humans are pretty idiotic for making their own beings and all. Revolts happened frequently during the first few years of the pet creations. To be able to contain the rebellions, the human created an even more superior type of pets. Almost every pet under creation are part of a Guild.

     How do you join a Guild you ask?

     Pets created from large company usually made deals with Guild leaders for members. There are only 13 Guilds, and thus 13 Guild leaders. Each Guild leaders are to be feared and respected, even humans are afraid of them. The cool part is all of the Guild's have insignia that symbolize their territory and members. The *Cho leader's insignia is a butterfly. 

     Ps. the author wrote in Locke’s POV because she felt like it…Uhmm, er I need to fix that because, she might get offended and lessen my appearance in the story. What I mean is we now know Locke a little bit better! I hope to see you guys next time! Jya-na~


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