Chapter Two: Got it, I can't steal from this place.

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     We arrived to my hideout. Or my secret lair or some crap like that. Basically its, an abandoned Pet factory hahah get the irony there? Because, I sure as hell don’t, the place is pretty spacious. Two floors, the bottom floor are pretty ratcheted, huge holes and broken ruble are scattered at random interval. Metal beams can be seen crisscrossing from the open gaping holes in front of me. Very, very dangerous, it’s a big no no for little kids. Graffiti and such “decorate” the wall around us. It ranges from very artistic Van Gogh or Monet to gawwd this awful stuff teenager’s draw. 

     Scenes of nature cover one wall, exuberant emerald green trees, and rich warm colored bark. The two blended together to create an image, as if it was a photograph. Touches and the perfect blend of sunlight all in the right places, making everything shimmer and shine. Small animal, poke out from the foliage. A raccoon with a white stripe down its face, stare mischievously at you. A small white rump (See? I said rump ((Smug face)) a rabbit, hides a carrot. The most beautiful part of the scene is the birds. Amazing bird of Paradise or Paradisaeidea, which is founded in New Guinea (Fun fact there for all you genius) Flamingos, the Scarlet Tanager, Mountain Bluebird, American Goldfinch, and hahah a Wood Duck. 

     The little kids ran up to the painting immediately and, I can’t say I blame them. The scene dominates a whole wall, left, miraculously whole from the destruction. The little girl which I learned to know is named Vi and her twin Seb, both glide (Yesh, I said glided, because creating perfect kids means they don’t have to walk, like normal people do, ballet like grace.) To the image of a Peafowl, a beautiful male in its iridescent green and blue glory, I named that particular one Pekke. The picture always brings back nostalgic memory.

     The whole section of glass windows at the bottom floor are shattered to shards. Stepping lightly on the floor, I made my way toward a beam. The metal beam extends from floor to ceiling. I created three other ones to support the top half of the building above, by using diamond enchanted material, creating a structure both strong enough and flexible enough to bring the place down. (FYI, don’t hire me as your architecture.)  Seens, Maria always pester about the lousy place I call home. (Hey, I did not invite a die hard Christian to live under my roof.) I decided to fix the place up a bit, so what you see, may not be what you really see

     Leaving the kids and Maria to their own invention, I turned a stone and opened a passage to the upper level. I would say it would be my personal utopia. The whole ceiling has been painted the galaxy; each and every single spark of light on the ceiling has been done with care. It was clearly done by the same person who did the forest scene at the bottom floor, even to an amateur’s eye. The brush stroke, material, and component match the one below. (What? I dabble in art. You can call me a connoisseur.) The cool part is that at night time, which is the time it is now, my whole personal galaxy glows in the dark. Not, one of those cheap, glow in the dark paint that fades either, this is made from- which you can get from- (Maria, won’t let me tell you, something about it, being a danger to your health and other crap. But let me just tell you, I know a guy.)

     Maria and I share the space above the building, things here are pretty empty, the lab equipment’s that has been in use seen it was a functional “establishment program” yeah, you may hear that being one of the name they call this once, hell hole, have been stolen and brought to the black market. Two bed are, pushed to the far corner of the room. The bathroom and closet are located on the right. Going past the bathroom and closets, you would see a bunch of closed doors, some empty and others not so much.  Plus, remember what I said about perception? Well, let’s just say, that there is a reason I’m living here. 

     The building has a roof. That would be a duh, but the hard part is actually going to the roof. Every building, no matter how evil, (Thank gods) has an elevator. Seens, the place has been shut down; the elevator has been offline for a while now. I re-routed the electricity line to this building. I figured the elevator would be too much of a security risk, so I did not re-activated it. 

     That proved to be problematic to Maria. Our garden, is located on the roof, so only one person can access the roof, a virtue and a vice at the same time, it also mean I have to take roof trip up there to get the right ingredients for our meals. Now, it just means an escape, our hideout or on a more technical term, my hideout has been compromise. I don’t mind it this time of night. The air is frigid outside and I like it that way. Cool, crisp air whips my hair behind my head. 

     “Hey, what are you doing here? It’s really cold.” I did not have to turn around, to know that voice, belongs to Simon. The only way to get to the roof, if I have not mentioned it already is through the stairwell (Which I installed personally.) it’s not as easy as it sounds, the room with the starry ceiling has a hidden door (I have no idea what these, scientist were thinking, maybe it looked and seemed cool to them?) The hidden door is located, exactly 9ft from the door way to the left. You have to punch in the most famous mathematic sequence, the Fibonacci sequence. Even if you know the sequence, 1,1,2,3,5,8…the order and  the pressure applied to each number must match mine. 

     “How did you get past the key pad?” Keeping my question vague on purpose.

     An adorable shrug in reply. “I didn’t, and even if I tried to do that, you have the whole top building surrounded with plastic explosive…which, I got to say is pretty dangerous. No, I didn’t bother to play with your complicated “key pad”. What I did was, deactivated the plastic explosive. Clever, putting it on a different- (Sorry kids, Sister Maria to stop the day.) It was a simple act of hacking in and opening the door,” A smile appeared at the end of the sentence. 

     Hmm, that needs to be fixed. Huh, and the kid is smart. Who knew? I mean he did, technically hire me to steal a – (Cough) weapon. I didn’t even bother to ask the next part of my question. The ladder, which the secret door leads to, is pretty rickety; it stands in the center of an open section of the building. The drop from the bottom of the ladder to the ground is 109ft, I wouldn’t suggest you fall of the flat form. If I have to guess, this section was used as a testing ground for those who can fly. Anyway, you get over these things, the things parent want for their pet to turn out. A small 2ft flat form is the only way to get to the ladder, besides having amazing agility, the flat form must also be stepped on at correct intervals. I should pressure sensitive the flat form… 

     “Are you sure about this?” The question snapped me to attention. 

     “Why? Getting cold feet? “I replied with a smirk. The look on his face, made me say. ”Look, I understand how it was like to be a pet. You were created for a purpose, and it’s not exactly as glorified as it may sounds.” He turned to the view, and so did I. Looking out to the skyline of the city, I was about to say something but held back. The view can take my breath away, any day. Small, twinkling lights shine out from the buildings in the distance. The honks and, noises of the city, faded away from being up so high. The scent of flowers, from the garden mingled with the air. Jasmine, Rose, Poppy, and the sweet, tangy smell of ripe oranges. The whole moment here feels, magical and unearthly at the same time. The sky has turned a shade of dark, plum purple, and the stars are peeking out from there hiding places. (I know that seemed odd. It’s just, some saying a person I know once told me.) “You said this weapon of yours. Can save your friends?  Then, I guess it’s not such a bad thing, right?” I turned around, and gave Simon a rare smile of mine, he reward me with a grin. Maybe, what I promised that day was a sign of weakness. Or a form of compassion. But, what I can tell you was, in the long run, I did not regret my choices. 



     Nami here again. I decided to greet you in Spanish. Well, was that last line heartwarming or what? I think so. Ame-chan is not a bad person, and maybe you know her a little bit better now. So, a descriptive layout of Ame-chan and Maria-chan’s ie (house). Remember the huge gaping holes, at the bottom floor of the building? The holes are layered with a clear panel of glass on the top. It’s designed so that you can walk over the hole, but has the illusion that the glass is not there. Here, is the tricky part, Ame-chan, designed it so that in a moment’s notice, the glass panel can retract. All of the knobs, and light switches in the building are finger activated, and are created from memory foam, which means it remember any new fingerprints. Even I don’t know, where Ame-chan’s control room is located. That’s some parts of Ame-chan’s renovation. Sorry, she won’t allow me to say anything else. So, if you’re a burglar…I suggest you case out a different joint.  


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