Chiron then gave Clarisse a scroll.

"That's the list of monsters, one by one, with their location," Chiron explained. "Once you've beaten a monster it will automatically be erased in the scroll."

"So, what are we going to do now?" I then asked.

"You may do whatever you want," he replied. "Just remember, today must be the start of your quest."

And with his last word, he galloped out of the amphitheater.

The other campers stared at us and soon went off. Clarisse shrugged, Frances remained her normal look, Leo swayed his arms awkwardly, and Nico put his hands in his pocket. Everyone was silent, probably thinking about the prophecy.

"So, what was the prophecy again?" asked Frances which broke the silence.

"Five half-bloods must unite, Monsters that have been beaten, they must fight," replied Clarisse.

"They shall trace a hero's footsteps along the way," I said. "And a curse they shall suffer or they shall pay."

"A fatal flaw shall be their end," said Leo, who I found tinkering a watch he found on the ground. "A broken bond, they must mend."

"Sacrifice is the key word of all," said Nico, emphasizing on the word Sacrifice. "Together in the end they will stand tall."

"Honestly, I can't understand prophecies," stated Frances. "First they tell us that a fatal flu shall be our end and then someone must sacrifice and then in the end we will all be alive and stand tall. What does that mean?"

"Prophecies don't always mean what they state," said Clarisse. "And by the way, it's fatal FLAW not FLU." Clarisse chuckled and so did the others except Nico, who just looked down.

"So, we're just going to pack for a while and get some mortal money and drachmas, some food, water, ambrosia, whatever we need," said Clarisse.

"Well, Frances and I have already packed," I began. Everyone turned to look at me. "But take the time YOU need."

So, everyone except me and Frances walked out of the amphitheater.

"So, Dianne, we must celebrate your birthday later," said Frances.

"I know," I said. "It may be my last birthday."

"Don't say that!"

"Okay, okay," I quickly looked away from her. "I miss Mom," I suddenly blurted out.

"Me too," said Frances. "But you know, if she was here, she'd prepare a grand ball just for you."


"Really," Frances said.

"Thank you," I told Frances.

"For what?"

"For making me feel better."

"No problemo," she said. "Now let's go!"

The both of us hurried off to our cabins to get our bags. There were a lot of people who said good luck to us when we went by. Is that what demigods get when they go to quests?

Anyway, after an hour, the five of us met up on Half-Blood Hill.

"So, are we ready to go?" asked Leo with wide eyes and a smile. He seemed excited to be on this quest.

"Yes," I replied.

I saw Chiron walking towards us with Grover.

"So, half-bloods, before you go, I wish for you to be safe and to succeed," he said.

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