Chapter 14

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Vikk's POV

I studied lachlan's face, I could read it like it was a book a very complicated one. I could tell he was feeling down but why, I wanted my happy, joyful Lil Lachy back and I want to be the reason he smiles. He looked at me, his eyes that used to be bright blue were now faded into a dull grey like he had a storm brewing inside of him. I watched him twiddled his thumbs as if he was thinking of something to break the silence between us, I sat here admiring his every move I wouldn't say this is weird I just wanted to learn more about Lachlan he was an amazing human being. My thoughts were all lost when Lachlan caught my stare, the silence was instantly broken by the sound our sighs "Vik, how much do you love me?" "Well go outside and counts all the stars, that's how much I love you" "Vik I want a proper answer, that cute shit isn't gonna work on me!" Lachlan definitely was in a bad mood I could tell and what I was about to say probably gonna put him in a worse mood, "Ok you want the truth, I love Simon you were just a distraction to help me move on but it didn't work, he cared for me better than you did, oh and it's day time so there are no stars out!" I stormed out of the room leaving Lachlan in a puddle of tears. I walked into the bathroom searching for a way out and then I found it the lovely razor, I knew Preston would have one. I slowly dragged it along my wrists letting the pain sink in, blood flowed everywhere, I had just hurt one of my best friends I didn't deserve to be in this world. My vision started to blur, the last thing I saw was my blood surrounding me and the last thing I heard my Lachlan's soft voice at the other side of the door "I'm sorry Vik, please let me in"

Lachlan's POV

Yes I was in pain right now but I needed to help Vik I knew exactly why he was in the bathroom and I wasn't gonna let him get away with it, he is still my friend. I kept yelling trying to get him to open the door, Preston and Rob came rushing in I had no time to explain I just told them to call 111. Rob eventually was able to open the door but I knew it was to late, I could see Vik's body sitting peacefully on the floor his, his clothes soaking up all his blood. We managed to pick him up and carry him to the ambulance, we all climbed in the back, I could still feel a little bit of a pulse which made me so relieved. We were told we had to get out, we watched as they rushed him into hospital, I could feel tears running down the side of my checks. Rob and Preston pulled me over to the seats in the waiting room "he'll be ok" they reassured me, still not knowing that we had just broken up a few minutes ago. One of the nurses walked over to us "Are you guys here to see Vikram Barn?" "yes, ma'am" "Ok go to room 123 and he'll be in there, be quiet though I think he's sleeping". It didn't take long to get there, I mean we sorta did run. When we walked into the room Vik was sleeping silently on the bed, I sat next to him and quietly talked to him "I understand Vik about before, you love Simon, I guess I didn't provide everything he did, when your feeling better i'll book you a flight back juts know i'll always be there for you if things go wrong, I still care for you that's why i'm here" I walked back to the seats Preston and Rob were sitting on they gently wrapped there arms around me, I calmed down a bit, I was gonna stay here until Vik woke up. 

[Sorry about such a long wait until this chapter came out, I haven't been motivated to write recently and i'm on school holidays currently so I've been away and not able to write, and because of this I think this story might be ending soon so that I can put all my effort into a new book I'll be writing] I know this chapter is a bit shorter and I know i'm moving away from Poofless again but for the past few weeks if been shipping Vikklan a lot more but i promise i'll go back :)


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