Chapter 10

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Preston's POV

"PRESTON?!", I heard Rob call, fuck my cover has been blown, I want to run away but hearing Rob's voice pulled me in. I walked in trying to not make eye contact with Lachlan. I hugged Rob I missed this. What is Lachlan doing here?, I mean I already know because I was eavesdropping but that would be weird just walking in and being like Lachlan I know why your here, a bit creepy right. "Lachlan explain!", Rob said in a stern voice, "uh... Preston I love you and I know your with Rob but....", I did the unexpected, I walked up to Lachlan, with a plan in my head of course and kissed him not aggressive, not lightly just enough for him to realise i'm not the one for him, I felt no spark nor should he, he was only trying to take me from Rob to satisfy his pain of not being able to have Vikk well that was my assumption anyway.

Lachlan's POV

Preston walked in, this'll be interesting. He avoided eye contact with me, and then Rob made me explain why I was here, I didn't lie because to start a good relationship you don't lie so I confessed my love. After that Preston walked up to me and kissed me, maybe it worked and Preston was mine now. As we were kissing I expected there to be a spark or something telling me this was right but all my brain was doing was chanting Vikk, Vikk, Vikk put your hands up and do the Victory Chant.

Rob's POV

Once Lachlan explained why he was here, Preston kissed him. My heart dropped thinking he had left me for Lachlan, through everything we had been through together I wouldn't be surprised. I'd just have to be alone, in this cold barren place known as Canada. It still boggles my mind why Preston would do that.

Preston's POV

I hope that worked, I saw Rob looking very confused so I ran over to him and hugged him, saying it'll be ok and that I wasn't leaving him. Lachlan broke the silence, "thank you Preston, for making me realise my purpose" he said sweetly not making what just happen effect him. "It's ok at least you realise now, would you like to stay here since it's pretty late, we can help you find that one person you need" I hope Rob doesn't mind my kindness. "That would be awesome, thank you again".

"Rob everything is fine and I think i'm just gonna wait on my answer and relax first, I hope that's ok with you, I just want some time to think, how I can possibly have gotten this wonderful person in my life" I walked up to him and kissed him, yes Lachlan was standing right there but who cares, no one should hide there love. 'aw you guys are so cute, now for me to find my soulmate" "oh right yes we should get right onto that, why you start off with skipping him, use my computer" and as I said that he was off, Rob and I were left alone.

I pointed to the couch, we snuggled into each other and I told Rob what was going on. I heard Lachlan talking in the other room it was faint but I heard him laughing which was a good sign. The last thing heard of Lachlan was him saying I love You, I couldn't help but be happy for him. "Rob?" "Yes my prince" i'm glad you weren't mad at me for running away and while I was away, I had time to think" I lied back onto Rob's stomach, I looked up into his beautiful eye and said "I Love You to Rob, i'm so happy I have you in my life. "bb your too cute" and with that I was asleep, I felt Rob get comfortable and cuddle into me. His warmth made me more relaxed knowing I had someone by my side at all times.

This isn't a long chapter I know but other then that I hope you enjoyed, i'm having a lot of fun writing this so don't expect me to stop soon unless I get writers block.


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