Looking every where (Chapter 19)

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Chuck woke up not remembering the night before. "Huh?" He said to himself getting off the ground and brushing his arms and looked around. "What the?" He noticed all the alcohol out and the glasses. Then he rubbed his head looking at the floor and noticing the rings. He quick picked them up and saw the rings, wedding and engagement."These are Blair's" he said and quickly left the building.
He called his limo and headed to the empire to see if Blair was there. "Blair! Blair! Blair!" He yelled running out of the elevator. Nate was sitting on the coach and stood up looking at Chuck "Nate what are you doing here? Did you leave something here since I saw some of your sweaters here" Chuck said and looked in the bedroom and saw the unmade bed.
"No Chuck I'm here to speak with you about Blair" Nate said and walked over to Chuck "where is she?" Chuck said and cover his face "she's safe and at Serena's" Nate said and looked into Chucks deep brown eyes. "Why is she there?" Chuck asked confused and still worried about Blair. Nate shook his head "wow you're not even going to admit it are you?" Nate said thinking Chuck knew about the night before.
"I did what? I don't remember anything from last night. My last thought from last night was going to the bar and getting a glass of scotch and that's it" Chuck said scratching his head. "Well I know Blair definitely will remember last night" Nate said and walked around the couch sitting back down. "W-what happened?" Chuck asked concerned. "Man you said you didn't want her and that she's a slut and things. She knew that you were drunk and was going to bring you back here but you didn't listen. Instead you slapped her and she left and came to Serena and I crying her heart out." Nate said filling in Chuck.
"I have to apologize and.." Chuck pulled out the rings "she left these" Chuck said and held them in his hand tightly "Chuck you can't be doing this anymore. Stop the drinking and start focusing on what's important in life, your family and work" Nate said and helped Chuck off the couch and they got into the limo and went to the van der Woodsen's.
"Blair he'll get better I'll make sure of it" Serena said coming back into the bedroom with tea. "Thanks for letting me crash here. I couldn't go to the empire so this to me was a safe place." Blair said and took the mug and sat up straight on Serena's bed. "Blair you'll always be welcome" Serena said and took a sip of her tea. Blair smiled and took a sip of tea. Chuck and Nate arrived and once the elevator doors opened Chuck ran in looking for Blair. Nate just walked in and went straight to Serena's room.
"Hey guys, I brought Chuck with me" Nate said softly and Serena left the room and passed Nate and in her little shorts and t-shirt ran up to Chuck "Serena hey! Where's Blair I need to talk to her" Chuck said and moved her aside and looked in the kitchen "Chuck first you need to talk to me" Serena said and grabbed Chuck's arm. He nodded and moved to the couch.
Chuck slowly sat down and let out a cry. Serena watched and walked to her room "Blair I think you should come out here" Serena says to Blair. Blair took a deep breath and looked at Nate "go ahead we'll be in here, if you need anything just yell" Nate said and Blair got off the bed and walked into the living room.
Chuck didn't hear her, he was crying hard into his hands. "I mess up so badly she'll never forgive me I can't hurt her like I have before." He mumbled and kept the tears coming. Blair walked up to him and sat beside him and pulled him close. "Shhh it's okay I'm right here" Blair said and kissed his head multiple times. He sniffled and saw Blair "Blair I don't remember last night with those words and that other thing" Chuck said and cried again.
Blair shook her head "Chuck it's okay, I forgive you! Look at me" she said softly and lifted his chin "I love you" Blair said and she kissed him deeply. He moves and goes on his knees and pulls out the rings "will you?" He held her hand and kissed them "of course! Duh?" She laughed a little and he smiled at her response.
He slipped the beautiful rings on and picked Blair up "I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused, I'm going to try to be a better husband and hopefully soon I'll be a good father" Chuck said and kissed Blair's tummy. "Could we go home? I couldn't sleep last night" Blair asked Chuck.
He bit his lower lip looking at his wife "what would I do without you" he said and kissed her again and they left the building and headed to the empire. "I'm taking off this week and next week so we can spend lots of time together and do whatever you want" Chuck said pulling out his phone and texting someone. Blair leans her head on his shoulder and her arms around her belly. They have a nice ride back to the empire.
They walk inside heart in hand. Blair looked at Chuck and stops walking "Chuck I'm sorry too, for not staying strong when you needed me to" Blair said and looked at her hands "Blair.." Chuck started to say and Blair put her hand over his mouth. "I should of been there for you but I didn't, I know that we both have our ups and downs but we've gotten through it together." Blair said. Chuck moved her hand and swept her off her feet.
Blair squealed and he grinned kissing her neck lots of times "I love you" he would say every time. He kept on doing that carrying her into the bed "one last time?" He asked and kicked the door close. She just kissed him and the rest of night ended up with that and tons of talking about the future and they were closer than they had been ever before.

***LOVE EVERYONE CHECKOUT MY INSTAGRAM IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY (theblairwaldorff) also check out weheartchair  she's amazing and so perfect!!!!!!***

Forever Chuck and BlairHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin