You stay away (Chapter 10)

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"Louis!" Blair screamed as she saw him in her bathrobe. "I've missed you Blair bear" he smirked and walked towards her "how did you find me?" She secretly got out her phone and began to text Jack.
"I've come to pick my treasure" he ran quickly up to her and she turned away 'help me now! At the house' Blair texted Jack.
         Louis wrapped his arms around her. She dropped her phone and tried to get away "stop Louis!" Blair screamed.
"You're mine!" He yelled and tried to kiss her neck. She wiggled her way out and grabbed her bag and phone and tried to get away but he pulled her "no!" She screamed and Jack ran inside and saw Louis.
"Blair!" Jack yelled and ran over and punched Louis "let go of her" Jack kept on punching Louis. Blair scampered away slowly. She covered her mouth and called the police as Jack and Louis got serious with the fight.
Blood was everywhere and yelling non stop. Then it all stopped when the cops broke in. "Stop!" A police man yelled and more ran in and pulled them apart. Jack and Louis tried to get away but they couldn't.
The police took them away and Blair was left alone in shock after what just happened. She ran into the bedroom and called Serena and told her everything. Serena had to go but she told Blair everything will be okay.
             Blair ended the call and got off the bed and noticed a little bag next to the bed "what could this be?" She smiled and picked up the little black bag.
          Inside was a diamond necklace and a matching earrings. Also a little note and it was addressed to Blair Bass from C.B "aww" she giggled and put the bag down.
              Blair missed Chuck so she called for the limo and went to the hospital.
When Blair arrived at the hospital and went up the elevator, she noticed Jack and Louis with police officers sitting in the waiting room. "Jack the doctor will see you" a nurse said and helped Jack into a room.
           Blair walked away quickly so they wouldn't see her. She walked down the  hall and found Chuck's room. The door was closed and she saw him talking to himself "Blair I wanted to say I love you more than anything." He scratched his head "you mean the world to be and I wanted to give you this"
               He put his face into his hands . He had gotten the necklace and earrings last week for Blair and sent it to the beach house. "Ugh how will I prove my love, hmm" he began to think until Blair knocked on the door and opened it.
"Blair! You're here" he smirked "I missed you so much I had to come back" she smiled and sat on the chair next to the bed.
"Did you just get here or hear me?" He ask worried if she heard him "no I got here I while ago I saw someone I knew but no I didn't hear you why?" She did hear him but didn't want to tell him.
"What were you talking about?" She laughed and held his hand "oh nothing don't worry" Chuck smiled and kissed her hand. She blushed a little.
"A... Chuck I've a got to tell you something" Blair looked around the room "Blair what is it?" Chuck let go of her hand and held her face in his hand "well Louis is here and he was at the house. He tried to kiss me and he held me down. I called Jack and he came and saved me but they got into a huge fight."
She looked down "now they're here in the hospital the fight got pretty intense so that's what happened" she teared up. "Oh Blair" Chuck kissed her hand. "Are you okay?" Chuck held her hands tightly "yeah I'm totally fine" Blair smiled a little.
"Well that's all that matters if you're okay. I'll get Louis away don't worry" Chuck began to yawn. It was late at night."good night Chuck" Blair rubbed his forehead and kissed it "good night Blair" he smiled and fell asleep.
Blair went back to the beach house and fell asleep thinking of Chuck. The night passed and morning arrived. Blair got up and found one of her dresses and took a quick shower and headed back to the hospital.
"Good morning Mr. Bass" a nurse said "it's a great morning isn't it?" Chuck smiled. The nurse got Chuck dressed and ready to leave the hospital. Blair stopped at a bakery and picked up a croissant for Chuck.
She arrived at the hospital and went up to Chuck's room. She spotted him slowly walking towards her with peonies in his hand. He was wearing a pink suit and had a big smile on. "Blair Bass" he yelled down the hall. "Chuck!" She giggled and ran up to him with her hand over her mouth still holing her purse and his food.
They met and she hugged him tightly "oh I've missed you" he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him "the limo is out the front" she smiled.
          They went left hospital and went to the beach house. "I love you so much I hope you enjoyed your little surprises" Chuck smiled and held her soft little hands. They arrived at the beach house and went inside together. Chuck had the maid of the house unpack and organize everything.
          On the door steps was a little box and a note. "Ooh!" Blair giggled and picked it up and read the note and read it aloud.
        "These are the keys to your beach house in Hawaii, also look closely at the keys" Blair finished the note and opened the small box. Inside was two keys one with 'C.B' and the second one with 'B.B'. She loved his attention to detail "aww" she hugged him tightly.
          He quickly picked her up bridal style and carried her in "ahh!" She laughed and he brought her in. He set her down on their bed and shut the door.


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