You don't have to (Chapter 14)

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Weeks passed, Blair and Chuck spent many days at the beach and went to all the little shops in the town. It was their last day of the trip. They planned to go to the doctors.
"Blair! We're going to be late" Chuck yelled to her. "I'll be there in a second!" She grabbed her shoes and bag and ran up to Chuck. Her belly was a little bigger but not much yet.
"I'm here!" Blair smiled and quickly slipped her shoes on. Chuck looked down at her "don't worry babe we'll make it" Chuck said and they went into the limo to the doctors office.
They walked inside together and waited for the doctor. Chuck was a little nervous, what if the baby isn't developing right? What if the baby is positioned in the wrong spot? He held onto Blair's soft little hand and tried to not show his fear.
Blair looked over to Chuck, he was constraining not to show any fear. "Chuck are you okay?" Blair asked and Chuck looked over at her "yeah I'm alright" he shrugged and looked down. "Chuck..something's wrong what is it?" Blair asked and lifted his chin.
"I'm..just..a...a..a little nervous" Chuck looked at her. Blair was a little shocked "oh, it's okay Chuck we all get nervous. The baby and I are going to be okay, okay?" Blair said and then kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her shoulder "thank you" he whispered.
"Blair Bass?" A nurse asked and looked around. Chuck let go of her "that's my wife" Chuck said and lifted his arm so the nurse could see. She nodded and Chuck helped Blair stand up and they followed the nurse to a room. The nurse check Blair out and then told them the doctor would be there soon.
Chuck sighed and kept on looking at his expensive watch. Blair laid back on the bed. "Wow" Blair held her stomach because she felt a kick. "Are you okay?" Chuck stood up and made his way over to her. "Yeah I'm fine the baby just wanted to say hello!" Blair said and looked down at her tiny bump.
"May I?" Chuck put his hands near her bump. Blair nodded and Chuck put his hands on and felt a tiny kick. His face lit up. "Blair this is amazing" he said. The doctor knocked on the door "come in" Chuck said and held Blair's hand.
The doctor came in and talk to them while he washed his hands. "Today we'll be doing an ultrasound!" The doctor said as he dried his hands and put on his gloves. Another nurse came in and began to set it up. Chuck walked behind Blair and held her hand tightly.
"Let me just take a look okay?" The doctor asked Blair as he opened her legs and put a sheet up. Blair nodded and looked up at Chuck. Chuck kissed her and the doctor began to look around.
A few minutes later he finished. "Well everything looks very good now we'll do the ultrasound sound because you are far enough along for one" the doctor said. Blair nodded and the nurse began to put some gel on her stomach "ooh cold" Blair giggled a little. Chuck bit his lip looking down at Blair.
"It's a girl!" The nurse said and they saw the little baby on the screen. "Oh my god!" Blair squealed and Chuck teared up and kissed Blair. They watched the little baby on the screen for a while.
"That concludes this appointment, I hope you have a safe flight tomorrow and you have a good future" the doctor said and he and the nurse left them. "I can't believe that we're having a baby girl!" Blair said as she got off the bed. Chuck helped her "I know I'm going to spoil her!" He chuckled "don't forget to spoil her mommy too!" Blair said.
        They drove back to the beach house and packed up everything. "Ah this honeymoon was so perfect Chuck. Thank you so much!" Blair said as Chuck and Blair lay in their bed watching Hepburn movies.
       He had his arms around her and he looked down to her "Blair, I would do anything for you, it was my pleasure. I love spending time with my wife!" He said and kissed her. She smiled and kissed him "I love you" she mumbled against his lips.
       "I love you more!" He chuckled and got off the bed. "Wait! Chuck where are you going?" Blair asked and sat up on the bed "I have to take care of business" he came over to her side and hugged her tightly.
       "What business? Can't it wait?" Blair said and looked down at her folded hands. Chuck shakes his head "I'm sorry Blair but it can't but don't worry I'll be back before you know it" he left the room and went into the limo quickly.
         Blair looked down and was nervous about Chuck's late night business. Chuck told the limo driver to go to the hotel which Louis was staying at. Chuck heard about Louis coming in and looking for Blair. He didn't want Louis in her and his life. Chuck took matters into his own hands.
       Chuck arrived at the hotel and saw him in the lobby "hello Louis" Chuck said seriously and cracked his knuckles. Louis turned around and saw Chuck "how's it going?" Louis asked and looked Chuck in the eye.
            "Louis I have some news for you" Chuck faked a smile and pulled out a slip of paper from his suit jacket. "What's this?" Louis asked and took the papers from Chuck. "A plane ticket back to Monaco" Chuck said.
         "Why would I want to go back I just want to see Blair that's all. I miss her so much and when I heard she was here I had to come." Louis said and ripped up the paper. "Okay Louis but you asked for it" Chuck said and punched Louis hard in the face.
       Louis was shocked by the punch "wow this keeps on getting better and better" a random lady at the bar said and kept on sipping her martini. Louis held his face and it grew very red. Louis swung at Chuck but he missed him.
        Chuck kept on punching, kicking, and yelling at Louis. "Don't you ever talk to me or my wife or contact us I'm warning you now" Chuck said and left the hotel "I didn't see that coming" the random lady said again.   
      Chuck got back into the limo and he arrived at the beach house. Blair fell asleep and Chuck came in and saw his wife sleeping peacefully. He got changed and crawled up next to her.
         "I'm back" he whispered in her ear "hey" she said softly and woke up a little. "Everything is okay now" he smiled and kissed her passionately.
         She giggled and kissed him back."I'm tired so I'm gonna sleep but I love you dearly and you're my world" she said and fell asleep. Chuck wrapped his arms around Blair and fell asleep saying "I love you" over and over again.


Forever Chuck and BlairWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt