I don't see the light (Chapter 9)

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       "Chuck, Chuck, Chuck wake up it's Blair" Blair said holding Chuck's hand. Chuck had got into a car accident and so now he was in the hospital "bbblair?" Chuck opened his eyes and saw his wife. She was crying "oh you're awake I was terrified when I got the call"
           She kissed him softly "I'm sorry about earlier, it's all my fault" Blair said and wiped her tears "no Blair it's not it's mine I'm so sorry" Chuck looked down in his hospital bed "it's crazy cause we were just in a hospital" Blair looked around.
         "I know, the last thing I remember was I was in the limo going back to the beach house and then all of sudden blackness hit me" Chuck said looking up at Blair. She teared up again.
           "You almost didn't make it, the doctors told me you had a small chance of survival but you did it!" She bit her lip and cried hard letting go of his hand and sat down on the couch near the hospital bed.
           A doctor came in and checked up on Chuck. Blair left and called everyone in the family. Jack Bass, Chuck's uncle was already in Hawaii. He told her on the phone he would be at the hospital soon. Lily, Serena, and Nate all heard the news and she told them to stay in New York.
            "Blair!" Jack said running down the hallway and the mysterious back was facing him but when he tapped the shoulder which he thought was Blair it was actually some lady "I'm not Blair who are you?" This random lady took Jack's hand off and made a weird face
          "Okay then" he smirked and looked her up and down "If you're lonely I'm Jack Bass" he wrote his number and gave it to her "thank you?" She said and gave him a confused face and took the paper. "No thank you beautiful" he kissed her and left "what just happened?" She looked around and shrugged her shoulders.
                Blair waited in the hall for Jack and spotted him with the stranger and waited for him with her arms crossed "it's nice to see you Jack" she nodded "same to Blair, you look ravishing" he took her hand and kissed it. She took her hand away from him and rolled her eyes.
               "You don't like that anymore?" He smirked and moved closer "Jack I'm married" she held up her left hand and showed him the ring "I know I was there I should of been the groom though" he moved closer.
           "You're here for one reason and that's Chuck okay?" She moved back towards the wall.
       Jack pushed himself against her "Jack stop" he tried to kiss her but she struggled to get away. Luckily a nurse was near by and pulled Jack off.
             "Now that I think about it, you should leave" Blair said and stepped away from him "the door awaits you" and pointed to the door "fine! I'll be back you wait and see" he yelled. A nurse came up to him "shhh" she said. "Hey! You be quiet" he checked her out and rubbed his chin "I'm Jack, Jack Bass"
           "I'm done, done with you" she walked away from him and began to help a patient. Jack went out the door and the doctors called Blair back into the room.
          "Well Mr. Bass is looking very healthy, after the serious accident I say he's doing fantastic things are looking good so he'll stay here for one night. If tomorrow things look as good as they do know he'll be able to leave." Chuck smiled and little and saw Blair in the door way.
         Blair was listening and saw Chuck when he spotted her. She smiled back at him and walked towards him as the doctors left "hey again" Chuck said.
         He was more awake and feeling better. "Hey I know this guy he's super cute and so smart and he always says I'm Chuck Bass. You might know him his name is Chuck Bass" she laughs.
        "Yeah, I know him but there is this beautiful and intelligent young lady and she's the love of his life her name is Blair Waldorf excuse me I mean Blair Bass" he smirks.
              She leans in to kiss him and he kisses her deeply "babe go home and relax" Chuck said and let go of the kiss "but I want to stay here with you" she smiles "just go back the beach house and you can come back okay?" He looked at her with his 'I want' eyes.
           "Fine but only for an hour" she laughs and leaves. Blair takes the limo back to the beach hour and walks in and hears nosies "hello?" She set her purse next to the picture of Blair and Chuck at the wedding.
           "Well well well" she heard a voice behind her and turned around and saw...


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