Don't expect the best (Chapter 16)

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It was work time for Chuck Bass. He took a quick cold shower and put on a nice suit. He was now running Bass industries so his hands were full. Before he left he wrote a note for his beautiful wife, Blair. "Love you" he whispered and kissed her forehead softly and left.
            Blair woke up later on and rubbed her eyes and yawned very big. "Ooh!" She squealed and saw Chuck's note.
      Dear Blair Bass,
             Good morning beautiful! I'm off at work but I'm thinking about you. I love you so much. Don't worry about tonight with the dinner with everyone. I have everything all set up so just relax and enjoy. See you later!
      Blair put the note on the nightstand and stretched her arms "ah time for my shower" she said in a sweet tone and walked into the bathroom. She took a nice, long, warm shower. Then Blair got ready and walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Chuck made her eggs and bacon. "just heat up in the microwave and enjoy!" Read the little note next to the plate. She followed Chuck's instructions and ate her breakfast.
         "Hey Chuck my man!" Nate said as he walked over to Chuck who was walking out to his limo. "Nate how are you?" Chuck said and  smiled as he saw his best friend. They did a firm handshake "well everything is great, Serena and I are getting pretty serious" Nate  said.
             "Wow I'm so happy for you and my sis" Chuck said with his smirk and opened the limo door "hey are you and Serena busy tonight? My wife and I are having a dinner party with some news. If you and Serena came that would be wonderful" Chuck said. Nate nodded his head "oh yeah of course. Wow you and your wife, Blair that's so crazy that you are married" Nate said and covered his face.
           "It's everything I've ever wanted. So I'll see you tonight?" Chuck said and got into the limo "you bet!" Nate said and closed the limo door smiling and the limo drove away. Chuck went to a few more meetings before arriving back at the Empire.
        Blair spent her morning and the beginning of the afternoon reading and reading her pregnancy books. She just finished reading about 'how to put on a diaper' when she felt sick. "Bathroom!" Blair said and covered her mouth running into the bathroom and began to vomit. It was her morning sickness which would be over next week since her second trimester was coming up. She wiped her face with a towel and kept her head over the toilet.
        Chuck came up the elevator and waltzed in looking around for Blair "Blair I'm home" he said. She then began to vomit louder. Chuck heard her and rushed to the bathroom and saw her over the toilet. He took off his suit jacket and knelt beside her and rubbed her back and held her hair.
         Blair stopped after a few minutes and looked horrible. "Blair are you having a relapse?" Chuck asked. Blair had an eating disorder before and he didn't think about her morning sickness. She got upset that he would think that "no! It's morning sickness!" She said loudly and crossed her arms "it was just a question Blair that's all I want you to be safe" he said softly and looked down and held his hands. She got up and left him in the bathroom all alone.
            "Blair!" Chuck said and quickly got up and ran after her. She didn't care, Blair grabbed her coat and then fixed her hair and pressed the button for the elevator. Chuck saw her and reached for her hand. "Blair wait please I'm sorry" he said and pulled her close. She didn't try to get away she just looked over to the window. "Chuck I'm going to visit my mother and I don't want you to be with me" she said and the elevator doors opened. He let go of her and nodded his head "I'll see you later" he said and waved to her as the doors closed.
            She crossed her arms and had an upset face on. Chuck sighed and jumped onto his bed and stayed there for a while. Then Chuck grabbed his phone and called his party planner to make sure everything was set up for the dinner party. It was going to be held at the Waldorf's later on that night.
           "Blair darling you're here!" Eleanor said as Blair walked out of the elevator and into the penthouse. "Hello mother" Blair said and faked a smile and sat on the couch. "Blair how was your honeymoon with Chuck?" Cyrus, Blair's stepfather said and was mixing mashed potatoes. "It was good" she said and didn't really feel like talking. Cyrus and Eleanor exchanged a face and left Blair.
          She stayed there and put her face into her hands "what have I done" she mumbled and got up. "Mother I've forgot something I'll be right back" Blair said and left the apartment.
         She quickly got back into the limo and told Arthur to drive to the Empire and fast. They quickly drove there, Blair sat in her seat nervous and scared. Once the limo arrived she got out fast and ran into the hotel. She ran to the elevator and pressed the button. Nothing happened so she was about to go up the stairs but then the elevator doors opened.
                Chuck was standing there with peonies and a gift bag. "Chuck I'm sorry" Blair said and ran and hugged him tightly. She teared up "I know you are Blair and it's all okay" he wrapped her up and rubbed her back "shhh don't cry it's okay I'm right here" Chuck said and kissed her head. She let go and wiped her tears. "What's in the bag?" She asked already knew that it was for her but she liked to tease him.
           He hands her the peonies and then the gift bag. Blair holds the peonies close and smells them. She reaches into the gift bag and pulls out baby girl shoes and a little box. On the baby shoes it was 'the Bass's' Blair squealed and then opened the tiny box. The box was from Tiffany's and C.O with the white ribbon.
            "Go ahead Blair, open it" Chuck said and smiled looking at her as she undid the ribbon and then lifted the top of the small box. Inside was a small necklace and it was rose gold and there was a heart charm and it said 'Chuck Bass' "oh Chuck this is so amazing" Blair said tearing up. "Let me put it on for you" he took the peonies and the bag and set them on the elevator floor.
             Chuck carefully took the necklace from Blair and put it on her. Blair looked down at the heart and held it close "it's so you'll always have my heart wherever you are" Chuck said softly and turned Blair towards him. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Blair wrapped her arms around his neck and then they leaned in and kisses deeply and long.
              "Now shall we go to your mother's apartment and tell everyone about.." He stopped and bent down to her belly and placed a few kisses. "Yes!" Blair replied and took the peonies and they exited the elevator and left in the 'Bass family limo.'


Forever Chuck and BlairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon