We can all be lost (Chapter 8)

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"Ready to go?" Chuck smiled helping Blair up and off the bed "ready as always" she smiled. Blair was doing a lot better, she was ready to face the world again and continue on her honeymoon with Chuck. Serena, Nate, Eleanor, Lily, and Cyrus all left the night before.
"The limo is outside ready for us" Chuck smirked and took Blair's hand and they left the hospital together heading to the airport. They get on the private plane "Chuck have I a question" Blair asked looking at Chuck who was sitting next to her "yes dear"
"When you went on your were on that business trip last week after our wedding did you see anyone?" Chuck's face turned red "why would you think that!" He yelled and went into the other part of the jet. Hours passed and Blair was all alone in her seat until before they landed Chuck came back.
"I'm sorry about my temper but I didn't see anyone I swear, I love you Blair" she couldn't take it anymore "Chuck I'm still hurt by when you sold me for the empire and then with Jenny" she stood up and left him.
"Blair don't do this! That was a long time ago and we pushed pass it why are thinking of that now?" He said chasing after her "Chuck I need a little space please" she said and the jet landed in Hawaii.
She got off the plane and Chuck followed her. He had to show her that he loved her more than anything. "Chuck I'm going to our beach house and I don't want to see you any time soon unless you show me your sorry" she left him and went to the beach house.
Chuck didn't know why she was upset about what happened in the past. They've always loved each other and when they hit bumps, which was a lot they both were strong and pushed past it. They were Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck forever.
Blair arrived at the beach house, it was gorgeous and had an amazing view. She walked around and saw little surprises from Chuck. He had planned all these little presents for her.
"Aww" she giggled as she saw pictures of them hung up on the walls. She kept on walking around finding the littlest and cutest surprises "I have to find Chuck!" She said to herself as she went into the bedroom and found roses and champagne and candles.
Chuck took a limo to a few places and picked up some gifts. He decided to go to the beach house to surprise Blair until everything turned black...


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