I love her/him

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Arife's POV

I turned around to face Ayesha. I frowned. "Wh-what are you talking about...?" Ayesha asked me while looking surprised and terrfied. "You know what I'm talking about!" I growled at her. She stepped back. Then she stood up straight and looked at the ground. "I don't know why I didn't tell him, I love him. I don't know why I didn't tell him I didn't ever wanted to fight him too. I don't know why I didn't tell I never forgot him and he was always on my mind!" Tears fell to floor. She lifted her face up. She bit her bottom lip. "I don't why I didn't tell him that he was the one who broke my heart!! I never could the chance to say anything because I was listening to him! I'm a fool..." She dropped to the ground. She was on here knees. Her forehead was touching the ground. She slammed her fist on the ground causing a small hole in the ground. "I can't do anything right... I shouldn't have talk to him about the past even doe... I knew he would get angry and turn into a devil self." She cried. I didn't move from my spot. I frowned more. I took a step towards her. I slowly walked over to her.


Ayesha's POV

I cupped my cheek and looked at Arife, surprised. "Why did you-?" I tried to ask her but she cut me off "Because you don't understand! Don't you realize?" She asked me. I continued to stare at her in surprise. "If anyone has a chance to defeat him, it's you. Not because your the god, because you were the one to turn him into his devil form. This means you can be the one to turn him back. If he stays as his devil form, it won't be good that's for sure." She smiled a little. Tears of happiness fell off my face to the ground. I grabbed her leg and smiled. "Thanks." She winked and poked her tongue out.

Arife's POV

Ayesha looked to the ground. Than out of no where she pulled my leg. "Gah-!"


I fell to the ground. "Ouch! What was that for?!" I screamed at Ayesha. She cracked up laughing. I dusted my self off then chased her around. "GET BACK HERE! I'M SO GONNA KILL YOU!"

Jeremy's POV

I heard Arife screaming and Ayesha laughing. Like I said there is only one person that can stop one of my dearest friends...devil. He could only be defeated by her...

"Jeremy-sepai?" I looked at who called my name "Yes?" I asked her "What's wrong?" Theresa asked me. I smiled at her than patted her head "Don't worry. I'm just thinking." She took off her glasses and cleaned them. She put her glasses on again and smiled "As you say sepai!" I smiled at her than said "You know you look sorta cute without your glasses." She tilted her head as if she didn't understand. "I know lots of people say that but I don't like contacts. I rather have glasses than wear contacts." I nod at her than looked out at the dark night. 'I wonder what's gonna happen next?' I thought

Devil's POV

I sat on a tree branch near the edge of a mountain top. I looked at my hands. I covered my face quickly. "What an idiot I am! She will hate me now!" I cried in my hands. 'Don't worry pal...I'm sure she doesn't...' My inner self comforted me. 'I have a feeling she is also...thinking about you...the...same...way...' "How do you know?" I peeked out from my hands and stopped crying. 'I could...be wrong but...I just...have...this...feeling...'My inner self smiled. 'Don't worry...pal...enjoy the...view...it wouldn't...last forev...er...' With that he went away.I looked up from my hands and at the beautiful night sky view. "I...love you...God..." Tears fell down my cheek.

Ayesha's POV

"I...love you...Devil..." Tears fell gently on my cheek. I smiled up and looked at the night sky. "I've had enough!" I saw Tharkui came up to me. I looked at her confused. Behind her was Tuba holding on to her to stop her. "Tharkui! No don't do it!" Tuba pulled her back but she was too strong. 'Amazing how a little cute kid can have so much strength.' I thought. Tharkui came up to me and grabbed my shirt collar. "JUST GO AFTER HIM! EVERYONE KNOWS YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP HIM!" She pushed me and I fell off the edge of the window. I was quite high up too so I would break something if I fall. I tried to grab Tharkui's hand but failed and than...


"AYESHA!!!" Tharkui looked out the window and called my name. "I'm okay! I just don't think I can hold on for much longer!" I shouted back at her so she could hear me. "GIRAFFE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!!!!!!" I heard Arife call from below me. "I can't look down midget!! It's scary! Quick help me get down safely!!" I called out to her. I was holding on to a piece of the building. It was sticking out so I grabbed it. I only grabbed it with one hand. If I try to use my other hand it makes more chance of me falling. My hand is getting sweaty and slippery. "Guys hurry! I can let go any second!!' I called out to them and than I started to panick. Everyone was trying to find something soft for me to land on. All they found yet was a sports mat. It was very thin. It wouldn't help me much. 'I don't think I can hold on much longer...' I thought to my self 'Just let go. You'll break a few things but than heal back.' My thoughts fought back an idea 'Are you crazy? Healing will take lots of magic! Which I don't have!' I fought back that it was a bad idea. 'Than fly!' They give another idea 'I told you! Magic! I don't have enough!' I argued. My hands are getting sweater and sweater! I can't hold on for long! "Guys! I can't hold on much longer!!! Please hurry!!" I yelled in panick. But it was too late. I let go without realizing and than fell. "Gah-!!" I screamed. I was falling to my doom. I guess it can't be that bad right?


Thanks for reading guys! I hope you liked it! By the way I'm the one who made the picture above. I choose a picture of a god and devil. And created that! I hope you like it!

Words: 1137 words!

Bye guys see you next chapter!

The Girl that didn't wanna changeWhere stories live. Discover now