What's happening?!

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Someone's POV

I enter the gates to my school. It was Wednesday 26th of August. I looked at my chart, we had P.E(Physical education) as usual. It was just a normal Wednesday. I sighed and looked at floor while walking to class. *students laughing, playing in the background* *BAMP!* "Oh my... are you okay? Hey! Are you okay?!" I got a glimpse of black hair, then everything went black.

"Look its her, the most boyish girl ever!"I hear someone, but who? "I know right? She's so boyish she's becoming ugly like a boy too!"A girl pointed at me. Know I realize they're laughing at me aren't they?

"Oye! Nurse! She's waking up!"My eyes opened just a little.Then my eyes were wide open when I saw boy with black hair. He had made our foreheads touch. "W-w-w-w-what a-are y-y-ou doing?! I pushed him away so our foreheads weren't touching anymore. Fell onto his chair. My head starts to ache, I put my hand on my forehead. "What happened? We are those girls! I'm gonna kill them for laughing at me!" My hand removed it's self from my forehead and turned into a fist. The boy sitting on chair next to me chuckled. " It was probably just a dream. Well, it's over now." He said then ending it with a big smile. I looked at my hands. "So... I'M SOO SORRY ABOUT RUNNING INTO!I DIDN'T MEAN I'M SORRY!" He suddenly started apologizing. I looked at him and realized what his talking about. I smiled at him. "Don't worry about it! It's just an mistake, right?" He gazed into my eyes. "By the way what's your name?"He asked " I'm Ayesha. Ayesha Marvell . what about you?"I smiled. " I'm Jeremiah Furmane. Nice.Nice to met ya!" He smiled a toothy smile.



"How long was I out for?"

"Hmm...About an hour or so."


"What's wrong?!"

"What about class?!I can't be late on the first day of High school!!!"

*birds fly away*

Ayesha's POV

I walked to the class I am supposed to be in."Yes? What would you like?"The teacher asked me. "Umm... I'm sorry I'm late but I'm in here...""Oh is that so?Ok the.Just join a team...there you go theres your team!"He patted my back so hard I stepped forward."Umm...Thanks..." I started walking to the team."Umm.. excuse me can I join your team?" "Of course!" They all yelled with delight and a girl with orange hair handed me a shirt."We're playing soccer today. Let's do our best!" She smiled a cute smile. I smiled too and wore the shirt. I'm really good sports. "Oye, you with short brown hair!" I turned around and saw someone. "Can play?"The red boy asked.

"I'm really good at soccer, actually all of them!"I smiled.He smiled a little too.

"I was actually asking about your head, your injured. Can play without being more hurt?"He said while pointing to my head.

"Don't you worry! I can play without being injured even more,trust me!" I smiled a big smile knowing there people who actually care. I'm so happy. "You sure?" I turned around to see a worried team looking at me."You don't have to play because you think it will affect us."The a boy sitting on his tip toes. "Yeah. We already won a match." A girl with long brown pigtails called out. "That's not it!I can play don't I'll help you win even more!" I smiled a bigger smile.They all smiled at me too. I'm so happy!" Ok then but we can trust you if you feel any pain try to get out as soon as possible,Ok?We don't you to be hurt more."The boy said while standing from his weird pose he was sitting in."I'm Moe Tame!"he said"I'm Jessica. Jessica Eaton!" The orange haired girl said with delight. I smiled back. "I'm Tuba Fairytail!"The pigtails girl winked with a peace sign just in front of her right check."I'm Fadi." A brown hair boy walked up to join the conv. "Sup Fadi!" Moe called out. Fadi waved back. Then suddenly I bumped into something...something small. "I looked aroung to see what I bumped into. It was a girl with dark blonde hair. " Ah Um.. sorry about that. I didn't mean th-" I tried to say but the girl cut me of. 'Ouch! Dude! That hurt!" She spoke "I'm terrible sorry!"I said. She rose her head up. She had greenish sort of eyes. She stared at me. I waved my hand in front of her but I got no answer. A girl with short brown hair (sort of like mine but mine are black and hers are curly) grabbed the blonde's shoulders and pushed her back and forward until she came back to reality."Sorry about that Ayesha."The curly haired girl poked her tongue out a little and scarched her head.


I wonder what's gonna happen next right? That's what your thinking right?

Thanks for reading Cya later!!!

Peace out! Ayesha Marvell

The Girl that didn't wanna changeWhere stories live. Discover now