"Well then, you don't have to fight him again," said Percy. "Nice one by the way!"

"Thanks!" I replied.

Annabeth nudged him, I laughed.

"Anyway, the second monster you have to fight is Aunty Em," said Percy.

"Aunty Em?" I asked.

"Medusa," said Annabeth in a hushed voice.

"Ookaayy," said Leo. "Is she the one who turns people to stone?"

Percy nodded.

"Wicked!" said Leo.

"Moving on," said Annabeth. "Percy encountered Echidna and the Chimera. I'm not sure if-"

"As in Echidna, the anteater?" I accidentally blurted out.

"No," said Percy. "Although, I made that mistake too."

Percy laughed at his memory.

"Anyway," he said. "Echidna, the mother of monsters."

"Wow!" I said.

"And her pet Chimera."

"Anyway, we encountered the Lotus Hotel and Casino," said Annabeth. "We stayed there for five days. It's kind of a trance or something, better not go there."

The five of us nodded.

"So, next there was Procrustes and his water beds," said Percy. "Not a fun guy, he made Annabeth taller by stretching her!"

"Shut up Percy!" hissed Annabeth. "Anyway, next you must fight some Laistrygonians."

"Canadians, translated in English," said Percy, interrupting Annabeth.

"They are a race of giant cannibals who live in the far north," said Annabeth, pushing Percy away, I giggled.

Annabeth shot me a look so I stopped. "Next is the Hydra, it's on an island during our journey to the sea of monsters. Clarisse, you probably know that," Annabeth said.

Clarisse nodded.

And just like that, the "meeting" ended.

Actually it didn't, for me it did, I mean, I slept all throughout the meeting. I was so bored what could I do?

I woke up when Leo shook my shoulders and told me Chiron is about to tell us something important.

I yawned and stretched out, and said, "So, what's happening?"

"As I was saying, on the day of your quest, I will be giving you a list and a map of your destinations," said Chiron.

"Wait, Chiron, I have a question," Dianne suddenly asked.

"What is it?"

"You mean to say that the five of us are going to fight ALL of the monsters Annabeth and Percy enumerated for like an hour, the whole time Frances was asleep, in just 4 weeks? Plus, we might even meet some unexpected monsters? What the-?!" said Dianne.

But the only thing that went in my mind was: I was asleep for an hour.

"Yes," said Chiron. "This quest is really complicated and hard. But with the five of you together, maybe you can make a difference."

I clapped my hands really hard, which earned the looks of everyone.

"I'm really inspired by you Chiron," I said. "No sarcasm. I really admire your optimism even though I clearly don't understand anything."

"Thank you," replied Chiron, although he didn't seemed flattered much.

Anyway, the meeting ended and I was really tired by then.

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