Cole was caught by surprise and fell back, before he could fall he managed to stable himself. I took a step backwards, too shocked and surprised to do anything. Cole wiped blood away from his mouth, looked up and narrowed his eyes at Mark and tackled him. The people standing behind Mark screamed in panic and fell, they got up quickly when Cole punched Mark. I quickly tried to pull Cole away from Mark but got pushed away. Mark went on the offensive and tried blocking Cole's punches. I gritted my teeth and a couple of students pulled Cole away from Mark after Cole punched Mark a couple of times.

Mark tried to hit Cole but the other students quickly held on to Mark, before anything else could happen, the principal came "What's happening here?!" he asked angrily

Cole didn't break eye contact from Mark "Nothing sir, we were just having a slight disagreement." Mark sneered at Cole with a burning hatred. The principal looked annoyed at Cole "I expected this from Cole" he turned to narrow his eyes at Mark, his son. "but not from you Mark. I didn't expect you to get in a fight with someone like him. Even if he did start the fight."

Cole snapped his head to narrow his eyes at the principal "He threw the first punch!!! How is this my fault?!" he snarled angrily at the principal which made the principal even mad.

"I know you both, and Mark isn't the type to start a fight unless you antagonize him. You, however, seems to always start fights and arguments with someone." Mark smiled smugly at Cole which he ignored. Cole didn't seem to bother about Mark, he was sneering at the principal. The principal shot Cole an unpleasant look and Cole muttered something that sounded like bastard.

"Two weeks detention, for the both of you." he said and Mark looked at him in confusion "What?! I thought you said it's not my fault!!!" the principal sighed "Don't argue with me Mark."

Cole smirked at him "Daddy problems Mark?" he taunted him and the bystanders laughed at Mark.

I narrowed my eyes at Cole and nudged him hard "What?" he asked frowning at me "Don't be an asshole."

"You're calling me an asshole when he was the one that threw the first punch?" he asked unbelievably at me. "You were provoking him." he looked so mad at me, I've never really seen him mad. He took a step forward towards me, I could practically see him breathing angrily at me. I took a small step away from him slightly afraid. "Ok fine, support your boyfriend then. Whatever, not that I give a damn about you."

Ouch, that hurt. I bit my lip hard as I watched him turn around and walk away from me. I felt like crying right there. "Sorry about that. He shouldn't have said that, bloody bastard." Mark said quietly.

I turned to look at him, and forced a smile. "It's ok." I really regret protecting Mark, because after all, he was the one that punched Cole first. Only reason why I protected him was because I kind of pitied him. I sighed, Why did I pity him?

I stared at the doorway where Cole turned and cruelly walked away, bitterly. "I didn't mean hit him." I bit my lip and turned to look at Luke frowning at Mark, giving him a disapproving look. "Well, whatever. It happened and I actually feel kind of good." he said. Luke raised an eyebrow "You look like hell. There's blood all on your face and I don't think it's Cole's."

Mark looked around then glared at him "It's mostly his." Luke nodded "Right, Ok. If you say so." he said not bothered to argue with his denailed friend. Mark shook his head slightly and muttered something that sounded like nurse and toilet.

I heard Mark say something to me but I couldn't really hear him as I was in a deep thought, thinking of Cole. Is he alright? Where is he? Is he mad at me? "Kylie?" Someone was snapping their fingers at me in my face, trying to get my attention. "Hm, what?" I asked, distracted. Luke frowned at me. "Are you ok?"

"Yea, just fine." he nodded "Ok, so, can we talk?" I frowned "Aren't we already talking?" he laughed slightly "I mean, can we talk about what really happened that night now?"

"Uhm over here?" I asked unsure. He shook his head "Of course not, let's go somewhere else." I thought of what had just happened between Mark and Cole, and what Cole and I were talking about just now. Maybe I shouldn't go with him. It's probably best if I didn't go, he probably wouldn't even tell me the truth.

I bit my lip "No, I don't think I want to hear what you have to say." hurt flashed in his eyes, replaced with confusion "What? Why not? I thought you wanted to know."

I bit my lip harder. "You probably wouldn't even tell me the truth." I couldn't believe I'm doing this. This is what I wanted right? To know what really happened, to finally know the truth. Why am I refusing? Is it because Cole said I shouldn't? No, I doubt it's because of that.

"What?! I said I would!!! Why would I lie?" he looked half crazed and half desperate for me to believe him. I frowned, wanting so badly to believe him. I needed to know what really happened to my sister, but something stopped me from believing him and that was Cole. "I have to go and Uhm..." I trailed off, thinking of an excuse "Im going to check up on Mark." I turned around and walked away, leaving a broken and sad Luke. I nearly felt guilty, nearly.

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