Chapter 29

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Lea's POV

It's been a week since I talked to Harry and Michael and it was a week full of thinking. I didn't want to hurt them but I knew that I hadn't got a choice. I have finally taken my desicion and it was obvious from the start that I was in love with him. I hope I could realize it sooner and make everything simpler. But I'm glad that everything is over and that I am willing to let myself be in love with someone, that I am willing to risk everything even though it means that I'll get hurt. The last few months I learned a lot of things and I became more mature. I learned how it is to really care for someone, how it is to fall in love when you don't want to and don't expect to, how a person can change your life completely and how it is important to let the past go and not to let it haunt you for the rest of your life. But the most important thing that I learned is that you can't hide forever from your feelings and that you never think of yourself when it comes to the person you love. And finally it was the time to go and find him and tell him how much I love him.


Third's Person POV

Lea went to his house and got in. He greeted his parents and went upstairs to meet him. He didn't know that she was here and that she came to see him. Nevertheless, it has been a week since he saw her and he hasn't heard anything from her. He knew that she needed time to think and he was willing to give her as much time as she wanted. He couldn't stop but thinking about her choice. He knew how much he loves her and he was afraid that he won't choose him. Who can compete to the other guy? He saw her entering in his bedroom and he couldn't help but smile. When he saw her he knew that she didn't choose him. She wasn't looking him with love, but with sorrow. And with that he knew that he has lost her before she was even his. She sat on his bed and he decided to start the conversation first to make the things easier for both of them.

"You chose him, don't you?", he said with a sad smile. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and to feel that it is her fault that the things became like this. "Harry, I'm sorry. You are a great guy and I'm glad that I met you, but I can't return your feelings". She was almost crying and Harry couldn't see her like this. "Shh, princess it's fine. I knew that it would be him but I guess that I tried to lie to myself and to think that I had a chance. But, I knew from the start that he was the one you love and it was bad of me to keep trying to change your feelings. Everything was always about him". "Yeap, he was the one that I loved from the start and even when I tried to forget him and to give us a chance, I just couldn't. I really liked you, but it is always him. He is the reason that we pretended to be a couple, he is the reason that I was sad when he wasn't there with me and he is the reason that I am happy that he loves me back. I could never get rid of my feelings for him and I want to give him a chance. I know that I might get hurt in the end but I don't want to be a coward anymore. I just wanted you to tell you before I go and find him. I hope that we can still be friends even though I didn't treat you right". "It's okay. I wish I have met you first and then I know that everything would be different. But I am happy for you and I would be glad to be your friend for the rest of our lives. Go there and tell him, don't make him wait anymore". Lea smiled and they hugged each other. "Thank you Harry" she said and she left him.

Lea went to find Michael. She couldn't wait to tell him how much she loved him and that she wants to be with him. She went upstairs and she found him sitting on the desk with his hands on his head. He seemed to be preoccupied in his thoughts that he didn't understand her presence. She went from behind and hugged him tight. He was surprised when he felt someone hugging him but this warm feeling that he got from the touch was a familiar one. Lea, he knew that she was there and he turned immediately to see her. How much he missed her this week and he couldn't stop but be worried about her. "Lea" he said with bright smile when he saw her and she smiled too. "Why are you here?". He tried to prepare himself for the answer but he knew that he would be next to her no matter what. "It's you Michael, it's always been you". He was shocked when he heard these words coming out of her mouth and when he understood what happened he pulled her closer to him and he kissed her with all the love and the passion that he had for her. "Lea, do you want to be my girlfriend?". Lea was so happy that she was with him and he couldn't help but smile at his question. "I would love too". And with that he knew that everything will be fine as long as he has her. And he couldn't stop but thinking what had done to deserve someone as awesome as Lea, but he knew that he would do everything to make her happy.


* No, this is not the end. There will be 2 more chapters and then the story will be finished.
* A surprise will take place on the next chapter.

~ Thank you for reading. You are amazing.<3

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