Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I woke up the next day in my bedroom. Memories of the last night flashed on my mind. I remembered everything as I have high tolerance in alcohol. I'm so happy that Lea was there for me. She made me feel better. I haven't spoken for Sarah to anyone, but it was different with Lea. It felt right to tell her everything. I loved that she didn't pity me, that she didn't say that she is sorry. I loved that she was still looking me in the same way. I know I hurt her with my words, but I'm relieved that she is still here for me. But mostly, I am happy because we kissed. It was our first real kiss. Today I had to do something important. I had to face my past and move on. I drived for 15 minutes and I went to Sarah's grave. I had to talk to her. I gave her a bouquet of her favourite flowers and I stayed there in silence for a couple of minutes not knowing how to start.

"Hello Sarah. I know it's been 3 years since you left but I can't forget you. I'll never will. You know, I met this girl. Her name is Lea and she is so beautiful and kind. I like the thing that I don't compare her to you. She is so different. After you left, I decided to lock my heart and my feelings and to never let anyone else in. I couldn't get hurt like that again. One moment I had everything I wanted, and the next thing that I know is that I lost you. The day you died, I died with you. I have never been myself since then. I couldn't do anything because everything reminded me of you. But, when I saw Lea, I don't know how or why, I felt that I had to know her. Did you know that I went to talk to her? She is the first girl that I went to talk to after your death. I like her a lot Sarah, maybe I love her. And to come and say it to you, it makes it real. I don't want to run away from my feelings anymore. I don't want to be afraid to love. Lea brings my old self back again, and the truth is that I missed how I used to be. I used to be alive, social, happy. For 3 years I was like dead. But, Lea changed that. I couldn't imagine that someone would make me feel like that. I want to know that you let me to move on. Give me a sign that I do the right choice and that Lea is the one, please. You know that you will always have a part in my heart, but Lea is in my heart too. Goodbye Sarah".

When I left from Sarah's grave I felt relieved. I know that Sarah is happy with me and that supports me. I knew where I should go next and there's no other place that I would want to be.

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Lea's POV

I woke the next morning and I did my usual morning habits. After that I went to eat breakfast. Fortunately, we didn't have school today because there is a teacher's meeting. When I finished the door bell rang. I opened the door and I saw Michael.

"Michael, what are you doing here". I was extremely shocked to see him. We were just talking via fb but he didn't mention anything about the kiss and we continued to talk like before. He used to asking me about Harry, but nothing more.

"Wow, don't be so happy to see me crazy girl". He smirked and I let him in. "I'm just shocked to see you here".
"Well, I need to talk to you in private". He passed his hand through his hair and I guided him in my bedroom. My mum was in the living room so we couldn't talk downstairs. "So, what do you want to talk about?". "I want to talk about us". "What do you mean?". "I like you Lea. I can't forget about our kiss. I tried to forget it because you have a boyfriend, but I just can't". "Why now Michael? Why did you start like me when Harry and I became a couple?". "I don't know, ok? When I saw you with him I got jealous. I would never thought that I would feel like this for you, but I can't help it. I like you Lea and I want you to give me a chance to show you how I feel. I want to be the one who you go out with, the one who you laugh with, the one who you kiss. I have to be this person, not Harry. I have to be the one who have a photo with next to your bedside table, not him".

I stayed there looking at him shocked. I didn't know what to say. I don't think that I could say something at that moment. I was out for words and my emotions were confused. "Say something crazy girl, please". "What do you want me to say Michael? Do you want to give you a piece of my mind? Are you sure you can handle the truth?". "I don't know if I can handle it, but I want to know so tell me".

"I thought so. Do you know how many times have I imagined this moment? We have been talking every day for the last 2 years and I was always next to you no matter what. Do you know how awful I felt every time that you were talking to me for another girl? When you didn't want to go out with me, but you gladly went out with others girls? How do you think that I felt Michael? I was so hurt and I made myself believe that I wasn't good for you or enough, that even though I have a great personality according to you, I will never be beautiful or thin so you can like me. So you can notice that I am here and that I like you. You would always ask me why you couldn't find a good girl, but have you ever thought that you could find one if you stop look at someone's appearance, but to their personality? Do you know how it sucked when you forgot my birthday the first year of our friendship? Or when in my name day you wished after a lot of hours cause you forgot? Or when on my birthday, you started to talk about your problems and you wished me later? Or when on my name day you didn't wish me at all? It hurt Michael like a hell. Especially when I remember everything for you. Or when you tell me that you haven't got a girlfriend but on the same day I see you out with a girl hugging and kissing her? Or when you suddenly stop answering to me and you talk to me after a few days? You don't really like me. If you did, you would like me from the start and not after 2 years. And now, that I met Harry and he likes me for who I am and makes me happy, you come and say me this. I don't know what you want me to do Michael".

"I'm sorry Lea. I know that I have been a jerk to you, but I thought...". "You thought that If you come to me and say that you like me I accept you confession gladly and I will run to hug you and kiss you", I interrupted him. "Well, not exactly this, but something like that". "I'm sorry Michael, but life isn't a fairytale where you say these magic words and get your happy end. You have to fight for what you want and to prove how you feel with actions, not words. Cause you can't act like you don't care and wait when you say you like someone for them to come to you. They are persons and they have feelings that you have ignored for a long long time".

"You're right Lea. And that's what I'm going to do. I will fight for you and I will show you that I deserve to be with you. I know that I have made mistakes and that I has lost your trust, but I won't stop until you're mine. Cause you're the only one that knows the real me and you are still here. You understand me, you make me laugh, you make me feel better when I'm not okay, you care. And you can't deny the connection that we have. So, I'll fight for you even if you don't want me to. And that's a promise crazy girl, a promise that I'm willing to keep".

Before I could say anything, Harry got in my bedroom. "Hello princess" he smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead "Hello Michael" he nod to him. "Hello Harry. Lea, I have to leave. I'll talk to you later". He hugged me, he nodded to Harry and he left.

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*So, did you see it coming? Team Michael fans this chapter is dedicated to you. You'll have Michael's POV soon.
* I want to say how happy I am that I have 75 reads. I thought that I was the only one that read my story. So, thank you a lot. But, please comment too. I really really want to hear your opinion.

~ Don't hesitate to vote and comment. Love

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